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About BehemothSteve

  • Birthday 03/31/1992

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  1. No joke, I found about $30 in quarters on my dresser and desk a while ago and I've been buying my lunch for about 2 weeks with just quarters. Unsurprisingly enough that money has all gone to Tim Horton's. Oh Canada indeed. On another note, do you guys have donair in the states or is that just a Canadian Maritimes thing?
  2. Not trying to start an argument or anything, but Vanitas fades away exactly the same way Eraqus does... if we assume that Eraqus didn't actually die and went to Terra, than we pretty much have to assume Vanitas did the same thing with Ventus. Vanitas also fades onto Ven's platform and fixes it. I think it's more of a stretch to assume Vanitas is dead than Eraqus. Just a thought.
  3. I think it's entirely possible for Vanitas to come back if only because there aren't a lot of villains that are KH original that haven't been essentially discounted to draw from if he doesn't. I'm not saying that he has to be there or that he will be. It just seems more likely that he would be returning than wouldn't be. Vanitas, in a tie with Roxas, is my favourite KH character so I'm going to hang onto that hope, however small it may be, that he will return.
  4. I used to think it was Obito, but that was back when Tobi was first introduced after the death of Sasori. However, that theory was thrown out when I saw the flashback with Tobi fighting Minato during the Nine Tails' attack on Konoha. Tobi was about Minato's height and was presumably much older than Obito would have been at the time. Kakashi was only 14 at the time of the attack and Obito would have been around the same age. Unless Obito found a way to transcend time and go back to start the attack on Konoha, he could not have been that old. Okay, let's assume I'm wrong on that point and that Obito would have grown up by that point. Obito trained under Minato for a very long time and would have known how proficient he was at using his Flying Thunder God technique. When Minato takes Tobi by surprise with the technique and lands a Rasengan on him, it shows that Tobi was not prepared for it. Obito of all people should know how quickly that technique can be activated and how it can be used considering Minato teleported onto Obito's own foot in the middle of a battle without any prior warning. Obito has seen first hand how his teacher could use that technique and would know that a set of chains is not even remotely enough to bind him. With as much as Obito would know about Minato, it seems improbable that he would attempt to attack him as he did. Also, just as a side note, after the recent chapters, I noticed how Tobi was the one who found Deidara's arm after Kakashi used Kamui on Deidara. Thought that was a kinda neat full circle type thing.
  5. I also pick Forze del Male. Reminds me of all the fun times I had fighting Dark Riku in Hollow Bastion... Good times indeed.
  6. Oh jeez this is a tough question... But I'll see where I get. Gajeel Redfox (and Pantherlily) from Fairy Tail Gilbert Nightray from Pandora Hearts Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez from Bleach Pain/Nagato (particularly Deva Path) from Naruto Trafalgar Law and Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece Tyki Mikk from D.Gray-man Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist and Soul Evans from Soul Eater There's probably a lot more, but I figure that's a good start.
  7. Not exactly a fact or trivia really, but I find the duality between best friends to be kinda interesting. Just in comparing elements, it's pretty neat. Sora represents Light while Riku represents Darkness Ventus represents Wind or Air while Terra represents Earth Lea/Axel uses orange/red fire and could be said to represent the Sun while Isa/Saix uses blue fire and could be said to represent the Moon I dunno, I just found that kinda neat.
  8. If Xehanort's heart left the vessel upon the bearer of the fragment becoming a Nobody, then Xemnas would have been Terra's Nobody and would likely have not been evil at all. If we assume that Braig lost his fragment of Xehanort, then we assume that Xemnas is Terra's Nobody and has no Xehanort influence. In that short scene just before you start fighting Xemnas, but after the cutscene (that short "Boss Intro" kinda thing they do for most bosses) Xemnas says: As your flesh bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that...of a recusant. In other words, just as there is an X on your body, there shall be one in your name. Theoretically, everyone in the new Organization (just like the old Organization) will therefore bear an X in their name and possibly one on their body. Also notice how upon arriving at The World That Never Was that Xigbar/Braig refers to Sora as both Sora and Roxas. Perhaps Xigbar's still stuck in the habit from KH2 of calling Sora Roxas or perhaps I'm reading more into this than I should. I don't know, I'm not Tetsuya Nomura. But it is possible that all the new Organization members still use the same naming system as they did before. According to this way of thinking, both Xigbar and Saix may have indeed been restored to Braig and Isa respectively, but were quickly rerecruited into the Organization. But how could they have come back? They weren't in the castle with the other members. That's where things get tricky. With the addition of time travel, there's a lot of crazy things that could go down, but I'll ignore that as an option due to its complexity. Instead remember that the person is restored upon the destruction of it's Nobody AND it's Heartless. Maybe Isa and Braig were lucky enough to have their Heartless already dead by the time their Nobody was killed while the others hadn't had their Heartless killed off until afterwards. We don't know. There aren't enough details. Nomura left just enough vague details to make that situation possible. I'm not going to try and list every bit of evidence I have for my theories because I'm not entirely convinced myself, so I guess you'll have to make due with that for now. But anyway, Nomura's a wily dude. I've tried to guess his every move for a while now and he's thrown a wrench in the works every time for me. But yeah, maybe in the new Organization we'll see doubles of more than just Ansem since time travel makes all of that possible. Maybe we won't. TL;DR - Nomura's crazy. Anything could happen.
  9. I'd like to see Hawaii from Lilo and Stitch. It'd be kind of nice to see Stitch in a different environment. And to see how he turned out after Terra, Aqua and Ventus taught him about friendship. I'd also like to see another Symphony of Sorcery or something like that. They did an amazing job on it in KH3D, but since the worlds seemed a little smaller it kinda only covered 3 songs from Fantasia. Perhaps a Rite of Spring section or maybe even seeing a Fantasia 2000 section would be nice. Another Wonderland would be really nice to see as well. Maybe even a version more similar to Tim Burton's would be neat. And of course a Sword in the Stone world would make my life. That would be super amazing. But Shibuya would be really great to see as well. I loved seeing Neku and co in Traverse Town this time around.
  10. Umm... considering I just played through White recently, my brain's kinda stuck on Generation V Pokemon, so that's all that's coming to mind... A good offensive option would be an Archeops with no item so it can make good use of Acrobatics, just make sure he doesn't take too many hits or his rather obnoxious ability will kick in. If you're looking for defense, Ferrothorn's a pretty nice way to go. He's only weak to Fire and Fighting and resistant to 10 types with an immunity to Poison. Plus, his ability (Iron Barbs) damages the opponent each time they land a physical attack. As long as you give him some powerful attacks (learns Power Whip, which is pretty handy), he should be able to hold his own rather fine.
  11. I can't judge yet since I haven't played any more than the demo, but I think it could. Flowmotion's pretty sick and I often find myself doing laps of the demo areas without touching the ground... I have a feeling that's going to end up distracting me thoroughly...
  12. I generally just collect my favourites. I'm not really big on battle, just making teams that look cool together. Kinda like some kinda Pokemon Feng Shui, ha ha. For the entire series I'd pick: Tyranitar, Garchomp, Haxorus, Hydreigon, Krookodile and Nidoking For just Black/White I went with: Samurott, Ferrothorn, Haxorus, Hydreigon, Galvantula and Krookodile
  13. When it comes down to psyches themselves, generally I also like the Pyrokinesis and Slash pins, but having a Thunder Pawn and an Aqua Barrier kicking around were pretty nice too. In terms of favourite Pins I'd have to go with Anguis. As for favourite sets, definitely the Black Planet series.
  14. Uhh... tough choice... But I think "Pieces Fit" by Finger Eleven would be a good fit
  15. Thanks everyone! From what I can tell this is a pretty chill place to be and I like that. I'm looking forward to connecting with as many of you as I can! Whenever I'm around, anyway.
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