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Everything posted by RikuFangirl2008

  1. So far every day. It might subject to change later on in life...
  2. She still using that stupid Volt Switch crap in B&W2?
  3. Don't make me send Ms Edna Mode up in here. LOL
  4. Got the game but don't have a 3DS yet....
  5. Well my thoughts on grass-types, they have useful attacks that can you can build up your own strategy. You can drain the opponent's health, paralyze it, put it to sleep, poison it, and then just finish it off using another attack. So I don't see whats the problem dissing the grass-types. Unless those type of status ailments tick them off or something.
  6. Grass-types are fine. When it comes to the starters, I always pick water-types. I did this ever since I was a kid. I don't know whats the reason other than there was a time that I hated the color red for some reason. But grass-types are fine.
  7. She will. She is one of the 7 Princesses of Heart and Riku brought her to Yen Sid I guess to do some Keyblade training.
  8. It really doesn't add up. Perhaps Yen Sid probably gave him another chance? *shrugs* :huh:
  9. .... If this is true and I know I shouldn't be cursing but..... DAAAAMN!!!! Hes using the number 13 too much. The number 13 was hidden and visible in the game series... LMBO!!!
  10. Because some thinks that the English Dubs are terrible, they are picking the wrong VAs, and the whole they changing the script BS. I have no problem with English Dubs. I rather look at anime in English because to understand the story better and some of the dubs that I watched in the past are funny like that.
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