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Everything posted by RikuFangirl2008

  1. I kinda don't like the idea myself. Mavel and Star Wars are alright and I'm not a fan. I just hope for them to keep it Disney.
  2. -sigh- Why can't we all just learn to love one another... This hate...
  3. I think it was either 25, 35, or 45. All I know is, I didn't have enough and it was a Roxas plushie, an Axel plushie, and I forgot the others. TT,.,TT lol
  4. I was so close into getting one at an anime convention a year ago but it was like $45 dollar. Thats ok though. Someday I'll get one.
  5. Your making me want a KH plushie. lol I kinda look at KH pictures almost every day.
  6. I don't think it really matters. I've only tried Multiplayer once with my younger brother and I think we both had the same character. I can't remember.
  7. Am I the only person that hasn't tried X [Chi] yet?

    1. Ghost


      Nope, haven't tried it and even if my computer weren't broken, I still wouldn't. I don't like games where I can't firetrucking understand them and since (at least from what I've heard) its not in English, I won't be playing.

    2. Javelin434


      I haven't tried it either...

    3. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      No english, not trying it.

    4. Show next comments  408 more
  8. I hate the smell of bug spray... X,.,X

    1. Col.Random


      It doesn't taste as bad though

  9. I never post pictures on here. But those bakers sure do know how to bake a cake. o,.,o
  10. Years ago, I went in a boy's restroom when I was in Kindergarden for some stupid childish reason.... >,.,>
  11. I wasn't aware that some fans hated X but I know A LOT of fans hated XIII.
  12. I only like rain when there are too many hot days in the summer....
  13. Uh.... I don't know what to say about this and I'm a woman... All I can say is let those women do what they do and don't take it personally... Them pulling the fire alarm... Wow just wow... I really don't like picking sides...
  14. Well I mean... He was talking to the Disney Villains and Xehanort and look what happen to him when chatting at those bad guys... They tricked him.
  15. Funny thing you asked that, because I just started playing it hours ago. lol And I just think its weird. It kinda reminds me of Bejeweled Blitz...
  16. Only thing I don't like when it comes to Terra, is when something happens as far as Darkness is concern, he falls for it... Overall, Terra is ok in my book.
  17. What if this movie (the world) will in Kingdom Hearts 3? That was my thought so far. I started to have second thoughts of this and say "Nah" because of so many downs instead of ups. I was thinking that the butler plus that flaming dragon snake thing will be the boss. Or a Heartless boss will appear right next to him and we have to fight against it and him. Then again, that "Jim" guy that Eddie Murphy play as doesn't have anything to defend himself with. Or they can use that guy that was the owner of the mansion. I digress. What do you guys think? (I know this might be a pretty weak thought....)
  18. LOL Darn.... Too many Riku counts but very little Kairi. I was expecting a lot of Kairi counts.
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