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Austin South

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Everything posted by Austin South

  1. Borrowed a friends Sly collection, had GoW collection because I never played it on PS2 and was anticipating GoW3. Played GoW3, returned it to my uncle, then sold my collection because I never touched it again. Sly got back to my friend, probably won't touch it again(also never got far on the PS2 copies). I mostly played DBZ and Kingdom Hearts on it. A lot of people still own those copies and never feel the need to get the collection. Kingdom Hearts could do differently, but I'd love a full set of the Final Mix games with the extras and full English voice acting for all extra scenes, from what I've seen, a lot of the fans would as well.
  2. If it's not KH3, it's KH4. I'm definitely going with KH3 though and Neku would be a party member for them. Dunno about the others, but it's possible they all will. Party members seems like it'd be hard to do now with everyone getting involved. It gets me anticipating how the party will work out in KH3.
  3. I've never experienced a glitch before in any of them, haven't played DDD yet though.
  4. Actually the more I think about it, if it's completely remastered, not just put onto a PS3 Disc and set to HD, then I'm all for it whether or not it's Final Mix. I mean, if it's completely set to look close or dead on the CG videos of KH and KH2 for Gameplay, I'd be completely fine with it, of course, that'd be take a whole game basis and start it over, which many are too lazy to want to do, plus the money that costs to do so isn't all that good for them either, but Square seems like the company that would take that risk in doing so.
  5. All I know is that sales will do poorly if they're not Final Mixes. I mean, we all still have our PS2 copies, right, even with Trophies we really wouldn't have a huge reason to buy the HD collection if it's not the Final Mix games.
  6. Lol, yeah. Selphie seems to be the only one who survive while Tidus and Wakka only get a mentioning from her. They'll probably never appear again, unless Destiny Island is visited again, because I'm not seeing it as part of the next game at all.
  7. Well his mom did have some role in KH1, which makes it funny because the parents were completely gone afterward. It also depends, did his parents care? There are no signs or anything around the island asking for sightings of Sora or the others at all when they do return. Not that that matters anyway.
  8. LOL. I love how that happened in the series and everyone's always mentioning it.
  9. Great opinion, just don't try to force it on me now.
  10. I know what you mean. To me, the best in the series would be your opinion based on which one keeps you entertained the most. For me, none of them beat KH2 when it comes to entertainment, for you, it's BBS.
  11. As I said, forgetful and childish, but it wasn't to the extreme and Sora never finished the first sentence, he stopped after Heart as he realized "Wait a minute, yes I have!" and then he kinda went, "Oh...right..." (Not saying those were his exact words, but that's what he did).
  12. Never experienced any problems with my PS2 and I had it for YEARS. I never heard of PS2 failures or malfunctions.
  13. Not necessarily just that a lot of the things that happened in KH1 he slightly forgets in KH2 because some of the things were still a bit distant to him after what happened in CoM. But he's also lacks in the ability to observe by time this happens.
  14. ADHD Sora annoyed me... Sora in KH2 was perfectly fine to me, though he was forgetful and a bit more childish, but I liked that factor for some reason.
  15. And that right there is why KH3 should only be on the PS3. The most amazing gaming experiences on the PS2 came from Kingdom Hearts for a lot of fans of the system. In fact so far out of all the generations, the PS2 happens to be the best of them, having over all no problems and amazing gaming experiences like KH, Final Fantasy X, the DragonBall Z fighting game series and so on. And lol at all of you who are actually getting butthurt because one person doesn't care for the Wii U and is actually able to back up his thoughts with his OWN opinions. I'm getting tired of people thinking you can't have an opinion if you don't have the same view that something is great, when one, you haven't even played it, just looked at it and said, oh hey, this systems gonna be great, when from what Xaon and I see(yes, I agree with him and so do many others), the system only upped the graphics to 1080p, the systems release date is closing in and so many reviews show that Wii U has a drastic amount of problems that need to be fixed before it's released, and from the way some companies are messing up with thing *cough*Ubisoft*cough*, the Wii U could be out by next month either just before Assassin's Creed 3. Some of the problems are game freezing, the technology would have tons of random issues here and there and here, I'll just give you the best article there is about the problems. http://www.gamesradar.com/wii-u-good-news-and-bad-news-after-more-quality-time-nintendos-new-console-gamescom/
  16. Lol, but now "Get up on the Hydra's back!" is used as a joke a lot of the times.
  17. I say keep the numbered titles to the PlayStation at the least. I'm not going out to buy another Nintendo system to play yet another game that shouldn't be on that system. I personally believe the numbered titles should never be put onto a Nintendo system.
  18. I want Square to take as long as they want and work as hard as they can to make KH3 be the most amazing Kingdom Hearts game of the series and then release it on the PS4 (or the Orbis as the number 4 like this is considered an unlucky and very superstitious number in Japan).
  19. Depends if the PS4 isn't set for release before KH3 first. If not, then it'll more likely be on the PS3. PS4 will play 4k(2x higher than 1080p). That's in the proximity of about two years at the least before release, so KH3 should be out before then though. When it does, it's gonna be a PS3 exclusive as the KH and KH2 were PS2 exclusives. I'm seeing the main/numbered games being Sony exclusives. Now, I like the idea of the Wii U quite a lot, but Nintendo's kind of slow on the graphics at least. When I mention graphics I kind of think that the hardware will run faster and better, making the PS4 the higher, more powerful system rather than it has the better graphics but Nintendo's been slow on that either way.
  20. And only a couple weeks till release. Hm...I'll have to work up some money to get it.
  21. Xion knew the true reason as to why to free the hearts. She told Roxas not to let Xemnas finish Kingdom Hearts, because she knew what was actually happening. Roxas didn't...he just thought that by destroying Kingdom Hearts, he'd have a way to get to Sora and then find Xion that way, but his ideas were way out of proportion for one and two he was really confused and angry and much more. The way I see it, Roxas' brain was all scrambled up.
  22. Now that I've gone back and reread that, it seems Xigbar has a huge grudge against Ven or something. He said the same to Sora in KH2. "He used to give me that same exact look." Roxas never glared at Xigbar for one, and at that time no one knew who he was talking about and only figured Roxas was the plausible answer, but then BBS came along and the Xion scene happened in Days so we knew then that he was talking about Ven.
  23. If Square does make a KH HD Collection, the Final Mixes better be on it this time just because then, it wouldn't be a pointless Collection to grab. All the scenes would have English Voice Acting in them then and we'd have dodge roll in KH2.
  24. I never read the first one, but that's what we all had in mind anyway.
  25. Here's a what if: What if Master Yen Sid was in on this the whole time? O.o I really don't see Sora being a master and as others have stated, he just doesn't seem to be the kind of guy to care if he's a master or not.
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