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Everything posted by JJoploo

  1. Idk it was definitely Riku, but I thought i should pick someone just cause like.... IT'S RIKU but anyway, ping was aight, but god mulan's a total boss
  2. oh hey yesterday was my two anniversary on here! :)

    1. Caxkj



  3. I'm dying for Supernatural! Just got done rewatching the whole series yesterday; perfect timing!
  4. The only ones I can think of right now is Global Trading Station Plus (pokemon) and Neoseeker (variety) But I know for a fact that I have a LOT MORE. It's just that I'm the type who makes an account... and then never goes that site again afterwards However, I do actually participate in other forums, I just can't think of any right now.
  5. Does the last one count for people who've dropped out?
  6. I always tell the truth, but I'm not going to lie, I always feel awkward if I select the answer that everyone else seldom selected
  7. I don't have any friends I'm home-schooled and my family is the only one in our church with teenagers, so I don't exactly have any chance to make friends.However, I don't mind at all because I'm an extreme introvert (I may even have minor social anxiety)
  8. SSJ4 was the only thing I liked about GT. BUT, I still prefer AT's version (even though I don't think it has been revealed yet)! I'm so freakin' excited you guys don't even know
  9. As the paranoid conspiracist will say, "The government already has it, they're just hiding it from us!" Lol, JK. I don't know if it will be or not, because I try to keep an open mind. But my parents told me that it was once a belief that human's can't go above 35 mph because their body's would implode. So, always have faith, and keep moving forward, right? You never know! Plus, I feel like if we did find a way to time travel, I think it should be forbidden. There are different theories of how time travelling works: whether there's one dimension and the past and future can change (eg The Butterfly Effect), or whether it will create multiple dimensions (eg Dragon Ball Z). Either way, it could consult in certain people being or not being born. It could very dangerous!
  10. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance.... IF I HAD IT!!!!Lol, Kingdom Hearts II
  11. Alright, I do see your point But I guess we're going to see it anyway, so here comes the weirdness
  12. We talking voices or music specifically? Either way, for KH1, I enjoy both the old music and voices. I would love to hear young Haley Osment's voice in Sora's new model Plus, I love Billy Zane for Ansem (however, Leon in KH1 SUCKED lol) And I love Yoko's old music. It's apparent she's gotten more skilled since KH1, but I enjoy that trait I feel like new tracks (for both music and voices) would have been unnecessary.
  13. Yeah, I would like to. But then again, I do like WW for the odd graphics and cell shading (which I know they will keep, but have it be more similar to SS). But if other people want to HD, I would support them. I think it's dumb when people don't want a game or movie, so they prevent from happening. If other people want it, let it happen and just don't play/watch it yourself
  14. Umm, I'm done with school, but I'm not finished Big difference in words, there
  15. How exciting! Sometimes I feel like 1,000,000 is such a big number, but other times I feel like it isn't at all
  16. I love how it's so simple. I love the complex Birth By Sleep version, too, but this KH1 upgrade is a favorite for me
  17. I guessed August because it's my birthday month But since everyone is pretty much saying July, I might go with the crowd
  18. Gonna try to watch all KH games' cutscenes before KH1.5!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Col.Random
    3. JJoploo


      @Keysofblades: Thanks, and I know! xD


      @Lt.Random: Hmm... I don't know. It's just that after KH3D, I haven't been much involved in KH. In fact, I'm already forgetting important information and theories D: I guess I just want to recap as soon as possible.


      @Sora96: Beat me to it, huh? xD Well played, Hipster Sora96!

    4. JJoploo


      Man, I'm so excited for more cutscenes for 358/2Days. I'm so sick of having the current cutscenes not explain anything xD I'm gonna have to approach that game an entirely different way xD

  19. Dragonball and Dragonball Z like aaaaall theee tiiiiiiime xDAnd I also like how Nickelodeon brought back the 90's. Watching the old Nick when the humor was sooo different
  20. (Insert another corny line) Greetings, program! I actually haven't seen any episode after We Both Know How This Ends and I'm so eager to watch the rest! I wasn't sure if the season had ended yet and if the series had ended along with it. And even though I haven't seen the whole season, I still think it's a good show. I don't at all think of it as an anime (which I believe is what it's classified as) but whatever It's probably the only show on Disney I watch now (I'm getting old, oh noes!). And am I the only one who thinks Becks voice actor (Elijah Wood) could pass as a realistic Beck? Lol, don't know. I honestly have no idea how Uprising ends (and I don't care for spoilers, so say what you want to say) and I'm very excited with how it will connect even more with Legacy. (Recycle Corny Line) End of Line.
  21. Lol, I hate reading The closest thing to a book I enjoy reading is a graphic novel It takes me like a few months to read a short novel when it takes the rest of my family only a few days; two weeks at most. I honestly don't know why. I wish I did read a lot though; when I do, I learn little facts and vocabulary, which is nice. But, I guess since I'm an artist, I like to see the picture, not just the description. Which is probably why I like movies, graphic novels, and video games a lot more This is terrible, but when ever I can't sleep (like for hours) I read a book and I fall straight to sleep, EVERY. TIME.
  22. I'm so excited because Iron Man 3 and KH1.5Rm will be released in the same month :'D
  23. Even though I'm female and have never been a transgender (however I am a severe tomboy), if given the choice (e.g Pokemon or online gaming) I will always choose to be a male. Why? I have no idea. Even though I sometimes play games with a heroine, I prefer to play a male hero.
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