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About JamezyJohnce

  • Birthday 10/14/1995

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  1. You mean like before he lost his heart, right? and Yeah I believe they do.
  2. I'm replaying KHDDD and I'm wondering now why does Axel wake up with the Organization cloak on when no one else does? I mean don't they wake up with the original clothes they were wearing? What do you guys think?
  3. Thanks! I wish i had a picture of it to show you guys! We'll probably take one soon!
  4. Actually she looks like Kairi. Same hair. and thanks man c:
  5. Okay so my girlfriend got me this for my birthday. http://www.myimportstore.com/store/images/Accessories/KHKeybladeSet2.jpg Which is awesome, first off. So I naturally go for my favorite keyblade, Oblivion to put around my neck. Then THEN THEN THEN, she's all like. "Good I knew you'd do that, now I can put Oathkeeper around my neck, it'll be perfect" And I was all like ".....I love you." Is she a keeper? Yes. Okay thanks for reading my story, it made me happy is all c:
  6. Toxic Poison My best one is on Black
  7. Kingdom Hearts 2 Kingdom Hearts BBS Infamous The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  8. I hope he gets more screen time in SOME way
  9. Do you think Master Eraqus will return in KH3? I haven't read anything about KH3D, but I was wondering your opinion. He was one of my favorites in KHBBS, so I'd like to see him back.... Even if he is dead. But he is in Terra's heart sooooo... Who knows?
  10. Welp time to beat all KH's in a time order within 28 days. HERE WE GO.

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