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Everything posted by Lalala=D

    1. Ghost


      I'd want someone to do the same for me, so sure. I don't have an account or anything on blogspot though but I'll check it out :)

  1. I've recently started a blog and I would really appreciate it if you help me promote it Here's the link: http://wdifferent.blogspot.com/?m=1
  2. Birth by Sleep was the one that didn't have a secret ending
  3. If my name had an l instead of an m and an extra a, my Organization name would be Marluxia Oh well, I guess Marmuxi works too x'D
  4. Did you cry when you saw the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1?
  5. Let's like Rob's posts. I don't want 'Protoman' to be the number 1 whore D:
  6. I'd rather see a Toy Story world :V
  7. The part where Roxas comes back and is reunited with Lea in KH3. MAKE IT HAPPEN, SE.
  8. Resident Evil 4 Halo 3 Final Fantasy XIII
  9. *isstillspeachlessafterseeingtheepicpicture*
  10. To be honest, I want it to be on PS3 AND Xbox 360. Like Final Fantasy XIII
  11. Ikr? I always hated Nick for ending it. But at least they're continuing Korra :>
  12. I'm a girl and I like MLP. Does that...make me a brony? o.O
  13. I see what you did there http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png Despite the sarcasm, I accept the cookie Despite the sarcasm, I accept the cookie
  14. If you could choose to be any one of the KH characters, which would you be and why?
  15. What if the secret title isn't a Kingdom Hearts game? *insert dramatic music*
  16. What if the secret title isn't a Kingdom Hearts game? *insert dramatic music*
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