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Everything posted by Allpro11414

  1. Well he's in Super Smash Flash and he just spins the keyblade and rests it on his shoulder
  2. I swear we see this topic once a week, then Flaming Lea or Rob comes and clears it up, then it gets buried
  3. Yea they most likely will take it out but hopefully the put sumthin there i kno its highly unlikely since BBSFM happened like 3 years ago but maybe they do sumthin after beating all the games in 2.5, like they did with the credits of 1.5 or do sumthin like this i would watch the crap outta that
  4. yea i have my doubts too but it helps cuz i believe the actual game and GTA online are seperate thats why its GTA online and not GTAV online but you have to buy the game to get access to d/l GTAO sooo there's that
  5. When is Red gonna get his own show so we can see him destroy the Kanto region
  6. Am i the only one that just does not care for FFXIII-3 oh i mean Lightning Returns:FFXIII

    1. Allpro11414


      Yea i'm well aware of that but i just dont understand how anyone enjoys these games, i know i sound like an idiot and a simple minded douche but it just hurts to look at that game


    2. Reyn


      Well that's your opinion. You're missing out though, i can tell you that for sure.

    3. Allpro11414


      yea it's just not my cup o' tea the story is just to ridiculous, and thats on a KH website but i respect your opinion too

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. Sora's too happy to have one of those emotional breakdown type moments the closest you'll get to that is KH1 when he shtab'd himself but maybe Xehanort gets his hands on Sora somehow, by ohhhh i dont know takin Kairi hostage or sumthin
  8. Master Riku of course, cant wait to see what he does with his new status in KHIII im kinda surprised that Yen Sid got no votes but then again i understand, He doesn't do much
  9. yea i thought P4A was gonna continue onto P5 but NOPE, SEQUEL BAM RIGHT IN MY FACE, i did not see this comin yea i was legitimately surprised that no one posted this yet.....i never get to post big news, it feels good yea i understand but it's atlus and they dont usually half-ass stuff like this so i trust them
  10. http://gematsu.com/2013/08/persona-4-arena-sequel-announced A sequel to P4A is in the works, features Yukari and Junpei from P3 (and we see what they look like now as part of the Shadow Operatives) as brand new characters.Im sure everbody knew they were in the SO from this pic theres still alot of people unconfirmed however, feel free to post updates here or watever im kinda disappointed that Junpei uses a bat instead of a sword but he's still cool
  11. I just assumed that thats how they were gonna do it, it only makes since why release a whole nother game for more content. Those days are in the past !! And then they could prolly do a KHIII Final Mix+ or Complete Collection or sumthin
  12. yea i came to the same conclusion, i think hes gonna pick the best iterations of himself from his life and the rest will be Psuedo-Norts
  13. thats really cool but yea i want some new outfits but i dont see how ur tired of Sora's KH2 outfit when we only got to use it once i just wanna see Riku's new outfit idrk about Sora's
  14. i had the first one but it would be kinda out of place even thought it's disney
  15. VOLUME 2!!!! AS IN BBS VOLUME 2 IT ALL MAKES SINCE NOW!!! naw jk but yea i think the 1.5 just goes for bonus content and that bbs will probably be in 2.5 or watever they decide to call it
  16. Saix and Roxas Saix cuz he looks cool and has a cool weapon and hes strong and Roxas......for those same reasons actually
  17. I would have to say video games and still theres alway Manga u didnt say nuthin bout dat
  18. Yea these are 2 of my favorite characters and i would love to see sumthin like that but as Flaming Lea has said it probably will be a group effort or just Sora himself like Dave said
  19. i mean its not like i hate him he just not my favorite, he's a badass and all but he's kinda "simple" if u catch my drift
  20. i was never a big fan of Pac-Man and rarely played it, my mom loved the game though and i now know of the burden she carried T^T
  21. i think they did a pretty good job i actually didnt expect it to be that accurate
  22. im not a big Sora fan but i really cant see him bein any other way, just imagine a depressing emo Sora, like in Halloween Town, tryin to cut himself with the kingdom key
  23. w8 thats not an xbone........ooohhhh i see wat u did there
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