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Everything posted by StrangeHeart

  1. It's getting PRETTY bad over here :/

  2. Severe thunderstorm warning

  3. Okay, I know this is a dumb question, but what are "mods"?

    1. HarLea Quinn
    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      It's a pink title that naturally indicates a higher level of cool than everyone else. lol

    3. StrangeHeart


      Oooohhh Okayyyyyyyy. Lol Koko xD

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  4. It's getting dark and windy! :D


  6. I'm so Starstruck, baby cuz you blow my heart up

  7. Livin' la Vida Loca!

  8. My Lord! I love the little gif in your signature AHH! I can't wait for it!! But I gotta buy a 3DS first haha
  9. Jammin' to KH music on my stereo while cleaning my room!

  10. I love Demyx and Axel And Roxas and Zexion haha
  11. My mom made me turn Kingdom Hearts off so she could watch TV while working out >:[

    1. StrangeHeart
    2. Kaneki Ken

      Kaneki Ken

      do it! we must convert her to KHanity. (made it up, it like combining religious term with Kingdom Hearts), if we succeed, then we find more ppl to convert to KHanity!

    3. StrangeHeart


      Well I'm not gonna change her religion haha but other than that, that sounds like a good idea!

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  12. Thank you! Oh and thanks for moving "Nobodies" to KHII Aww it's not Tuesday
  13. Yeah I know still trying to find out how this works! Haha Okay thanks! Yeah I didn't mean to put this under "Introduce Yourself" haha What if there nobody is destroyed before their heartless?
  14. Thank you all! It's already becoming my drug! And I did think of karate too! Haha
  15. Okay, I don't think I understand the whole nobody thing. When a nobody is destroyed (like Axel for example) do they completely disappear and it's just their memories that go back to their somebody, or does the nobody and memories go back with their somebody like Roxas did with Sora. Someone please explain!!
  16. Hello my fellow KH lovers! Organization XIII is awesome! Just thought I'd throw that out there
  17. Oh, wow just put the same update twice -_-

  18. Dance, water, dance!

  19. Dance, water, dance!

  20. I'm addicted to Kingdom Hearts Boss Battle music themes!!

    1. Wyle


      My mother commends me for listening to, what you can call, "instrumental" music of all the KH soundtracks and piano pieces.

    2. StrangeHeart


      They just don't understand -_-

    3. Wyle


      Alas-- most of them don't. As long as the music makes you happy when you listen to it that is all that matters. ;D

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  21. StrangeHeart

    social sora

    Lol that is so true
  22. Just made a new account! I forgot my other one haha

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