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Everything posted by StrangeHeart

  1. Finally found someone who loves KH just as much as me!

    1. simba363


      we are all here for you

    2. Weiss


      those feels

    3. StrangeHeart


      It's amazing haha.

  2. Have you ever finished watching a video on YouTube and just sat there like "....what did I just watch O_O"

    1. HikariYami


      Yeah all the time. I am just like Da fuq.

    2. Weiss




      This happens all the time.

    3. StrangeHeart


      LOL! Yes it happens a lot too.

  3. I've never had nutella...

  4. KH Fan Problem: Watching a Disney movie and expecting Sora, Donald, and Goofy to pop up any second.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Protoman


      not my problem

    3. StrangeHeart
    4. StrangeHeart


      Well it's not that I'm expecting them to. It's more like "oh look they showed up at this part right here!"

  5. Lol someone on twitter claiming to be "Justin Bieber" followed me. I said you're not JB but umm thanks for following me. "JB" said "Really? LOL!" and then unfollowed me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StrangeHeart


      If it was he would have just simply said it's me, followed me on his real twitter and not unfollowed me. People are so stupid lol :P

    3. Weiss


      That's...really...just lol. xD

    4. StrangeHeart


      Haha xD ikr! I was just like "Umm okay then!"

  6. Well I haven't been on here in a while :/

  7. I don't think I'm gonna get KH3D since I don't have a 3DS and I'm saving for concert tickets!

    1. Wyle


      KH3D is worth it, in my opinion. What concert you saving up for?

    2. Kirie


      You will get it


    3. StrangeHeart


      I know I want it sooo bad! Lady Gaga and The Wanted! :D

  8. Going on vacation! Ttyl! Xx

  9. Is anyone else having problems with twitter right now?

  10. OMG! This girl on TV had a Kingdom Hearts shirt on and I like started fangirling! My mom told me to calm down haha

  11. Well, I haven't been on here in a while :/

  12. I am still hearing fireworks outside. Anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shana09


      you can't stop FREEDOM/shot

    3. SummerRain


      My dads neighbors across the street I can't sleep.... >.<

    4. StrangeHeart


      I can sleep with them, it's just too late for that stuff now haha

  13. Keyblade - Ultima Weapon Damn! I didn't see your post! Gotta change my answer now! I don't know I think all the good Keyblades have been mentioned by someone now. So I guess just a strong Keyblade that's looks really cool! Oh has someone said Axel's Chakrams yet?
  14. Lady Gaga - Born This Way http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?feature=plpp&v=wV1FrqwZyKw Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?feature=plpp&v=3FZtN7T5PXM And I just thought I'd throw these in there........ http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=ZYa0A7s1ZII http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=fBDh3URp8Is http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=_JUlNMAklhs
  15. I think Forze dell'Oscurita is my favorite KH boss battle theme ♪

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StrangeHeart


      Me too! Which version is your favorite?! KH2 or CoM?

    3. AverageGoddess


      Probably KH2, but all KH music is epic

    4. StrangeHeart


      I know right! I love it! It's so addicting!

  16. I can still hear fireworks outside ♥

  17. Nathan Sykes...

    1. 4Everbee
    2. StrangeHeart


      He's from a band called The Wanted. He's amazing.

  18. They're like REALLY loud almost like bombs haha

  19. Does anyone know what the fireworks that aren't very big but they're really loud are called?

    1. Queen Tery
    2. StrangeHeart


      I know that! These fireworks weren't that big but they're the loudest fireworks I've ever heard. They sound almost like bombs.

  20. Gonna go see some awesome fireworks soon!

  21. If I have a son one day, I'm gonna name him Roxas.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StrangeHeart


      Yeah I've heard of peope named Axel. Like Axl Rose :D

    3. moogleman


      you could name him Sora and say his name is Japanese!

    4. StrangeHeart


      Haha that would be cool :D

  22. Listenin' to Kingdom Hearts music ♪

  23. So cold and tired...

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