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Keyblade magician

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Everything posted by Keyblade magician

  1. Name: exeran Gender: female Type: nobody Side: good and evil Personality: aggressive Team: keyblade weilders if there is one... Age: 18 weapon: keyblade called skull crusher History: she never gets along with any members of the organization, but she copes. She's good and bad because they were not able to ceize her heart completely. Her keyblade used to have the ability to unlock hearts, but when her heart was taken, she lost that ability. Element: firy
  2. . Siggy: 9/10 Avvy: 5/10 Your avvys to plain for me, but I like your siggy.
  3. Man pikachu, ash should ha be cared about you and leveled you up more so that it would barely have an effect... <
  4. To work with the kh makers and make more and more games.
  5. Ah, these last few days. What a pain. Ello everyone.
  6. Beat looked like seifer. Really great drawings!! .3.
  7. Alright, only reaso. I'm doing this because the last one not what I hAd in mind. Image: kingdom hearts logo with fancy letters under kingdom hearts saying "awaken by you". It's from a game I made up. Colors: traditional kh colors. Awaken by you is colored light blue. Thanks
  8. Wow. That's great, just not what I'm looking for. Thanks anyways!
  9. I get along with people better

  10. You don't have to make It hard if it's a pain Anyway here's mine: The story is after kh3 And sora riku and kairi find a magic keyblade that opens a magic door. When soda opens the door and finds a colliseum. The three of them enter the coliseum and and are mistaken for extra members that fight. In the first round sofa meets ven and they have to fight. More soon
  11. Hello. I'd like to be your friend to!
  12. Sigh... Aryaanne told me about you... Your just like she said.
  13. Again, nobodies perfect, and that's unfair to my best friend.
  14. Those are cool! Can you do mine like this? - the image where riku, the king, and sora are falling. - the rest you can freelance!!!
  15. If anyone can do this, it will be greatly appreciated Image: sora about to fight Text: " my friends will never leave my heart!" in the corner says my username and plz make it cursive. Size: uh... Medium? Whatever you thinkll do. Color scheme: let's see... Blue black red and green? Again, whatever you thinkll do. Theme: darkness and mysterious.
  16. I'm sure she'd like to meet you, ansem! Koko, nobodies perfect. Lol. Hello apprentice!
  17. Thanks. My friend said that her username was..... Aryaanne.
  18. I've heard alot about this site from my friend. She says it's awesome. If anyone is kind enough to prove that, I'll be happy!!
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