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Everything posted by MickeyTheMick

  1. Lol Cartoon Network gets worse every single day.
  2. Nawwwwwwwwwwwww. I rather have fun lol. I dont even pay attention to the trophies.
  3. After finally decided I will play some of the Final Fantasy games. The one thing I learned is stay away from Fanboys. They completely bash a lot of games that are actually good and pretty decent.

    1. MickeyTheMick
    2. Shulk


      It's more of a matter of opinion. As someone who was a fan of the older FF games, the new ones don't appeal to me. I just don't personally like them, it's not blind hate.

  4. That junction system is confusing. I would look up a guide or something about junctioning because the game tutorials weren't that helpful
  5. Well time to be even more patient for KH3 *sips tea*
  6. Windows 10 <3 soo much better than 8

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      You could download it directly from Windows' site :3

    3. Col.Random


      I didn't get any notification either, but all i did was just click on the icon and the download started

    4. Col.Random


      You might also find it as an update in your control panel

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  7. People over here saying what if Sora dies, but it's confirmed Sora is the main protagonist in the rest of the upcoming Kingdom Hearts titles
  8. This whole thread has sooooo many quotes lmfao. I dont question the plot all like that. By now people should know the KH story is very convoluted and deep.
  9. Ventus and Aqua stories literally broke my heart. Terra was :I. Even if he was manipulated, he should have took more caution with Master Xehanort lmfao. Stubborn teens :^)
  10. Sitting here, sipping my tea, and waiting for them to release it :I
  11. That's hilarious , but Chrom wasnt my issue in Fire Emblem. I found some of the other characters to be :I
  12. OH Lord lol. Games are getting more and more .................................................................................................. :I
  13. Luxord (My FAVVVVVVVVV), Aqua ( My Bae) , and the basic protagonist SOOOOOORRRRA
  14. My Sister. I use to just watch her play the game all the time. I would just sit there stalking and asking questions. Then, that led to me becoming a fan of Kingdom Hearts
  15. Just finished Fire Emblem Awakening. The feels was real :,)

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