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Sadden Blood Warrior

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About Sadden Blood Warrior

  • Birthday 07/25/1994

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  1. Honest the Wii U looks like it's going to be a great console once it finally releases, they have some good ideas for games, the graphics are now to standard, The game play is getting to the point where someone would actually buy the system. For me on the other hand though the system I have a feeling is defiantly going to be out of my price range, so I most likely won't be picking it up until the price jobs and such. But all in all it's peoples opinions, my opinion I'll give it a chance if i can
  2. Heavenly Sword, Killzone 1 & 2, God of War 3, God of War collection, Demon Souls, a few of my favorites
  3. Well, I've watched a few trailers, including a game play trailer. Which leads me to believe that i shouldn't lose hope on anything of this game. It looks absolutely fantastic and I would love to see this game come to the light and show us just what a game should be like. Square-enix in my opinion will be able to fight against any competition that competes against it. If you can't tell I have high hopes for this game, I mean by just what I have actually seen of it.
  4. Well, it's something to make other people rage instead of yourself
  5. What a wonderful environment, even though it definally reminds me of facebook, A LOT!!!!!

  6. I definitively raged quit in my course of gaming mostly because of CoDBo, I recently just broke my 60 dollar ps3 controller over it and i have realized I need to learn to calm down. I definitively have when I used to play Halo 3 and CoD4 also, but it was more of the fact that I always had a way of running into spawn campers and try hards.
  7. Nice to meet every single one of you Hope I enjoy my stay also
  8. Well, hello there Angel and King Mickey Nice to meet both of you Even though king Mickeys username is familiar to me for some reason
  9. Trust me if you met me when I was younger, you would be seeing a display of poor typing and shortcuts lol Edit: Like back on the other Kingdom Hearts forum I used to go on all the time
  10. Dudes and dudettes, I am Sadden Blood Warrior and I have to say I enjoy the looks of this fine establishment of a site. So yeah nice to meet everyone
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