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Everything posted by Rayo_Rojo

  1. Finally picked up 2.5, been at the mirage arena all day.

  2. It's a mashup of "When you Wish Upon A Star" Dearly Beloved and Hikari all on two guitars. It's pretty sick.
  3. No timed sort of battle or mission. I hate timed stuff. No atlantica either, unless it'll be like KH1 Atlantica. KH2 Atlantica was rediculous. Also, hopefully not a lot more cheap cutscenes, I want all of them to be like those cinematic ones from the beginning and end of the games. I'm fine with the regular cutscenes and all, but the cinematic ones are awesome.
  4. Ramen- *Warning shot* Pizza, I mean Pizza.... :wacko:
  5. Just discovered the magic of Emulators. I've been playing KH2 on my laptop all day. xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cucco


      not too many laptops can handle it.

    3. Rayo_Rojo


      Yeah, my laptop is geared for gaming.

    4. Cucco


      Would you mind sharing your specs?

  6. So I just started watching Attack on Titan last week, and I finished the season pretty quick. I freaking love that show now, and I don't know what Im gonna do while Im waiting for season two... From what Ive heard, there's no word on season 2 yet, but I bet season two will come some time after the last manga is released. I havent read the Manga, but I really hope they find some other human settlements and be like, "WHAT?" What about you guys? heard anything on season 2, anything in particular you want to see?
  7. I totally ship you guys, which is the internet way of saying I hope everything works out.
  8. Little Mermaid, unless they make it like they did in KH1 and NOT the way they made it in KH2.
  9. The People who helped Sora and Riku were characters from one of Square Enix's other games: "The World Ends With You". It was a DS game, that was actually really good.
  10. I hope it's mainly the heartless again, and that they look super bad@ss.
  11. Hi, I haven't been on in a while, but I just saw the 358/2 days "Movie" on Sunday night. I loved it, (wish they added some more fight scenes, but I think they just gave up on making a full remake and just kept the cutscenes) and wanted to hear your thought on one of my favorite OTP's. I looked at this from both points of view. On my hand, I totally think that this movie carved out Roxion. Some of the scenes I thought for sure I saw sparks flying, like my favorite scene here .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLoeZSpYN2w&list=FL3CTvPUdvVxEdbz7Dk4780w&index=1 On the other hand, I can see how all they have is an exceptional friendship. (sadface) I'm friends with this girl at my school and there isn't much I wouldn't do for her, but I don't like her. I'm a guy and she's a girl, and from another perspective I see how people can see something that isn't there. I still totally ship Roxion though, like a ship-shipping ship that ships ships.
  12. I've only played KH1, KH2, and 358/2 days. Whatever I don't get to play, I watch a full playthrough of on Youtube. BBS was my favorite game, and It also had my favorite soundtrack. I only listen to KH music. (Fan-made stuff too) Literally. No other music enters my ears.
  13. Everglow is awesome! I watch his videos all the time!
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