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About C.Ri

  • Birthday 07/24/1997

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  1. I personally didn't have any trouble with Dustflier during the game, but for me, the problem is posed was that it took a while to defeat. Ruler of the Sky was annoying to my fingers and took long as well. For me, the difficult one was Leechgrave. Some people may disagree, but that thing scared the hell out of me. Although, it was technically 'easier' to defeat but I just hated going against it. Something about it creeped me out.
  2. Although I personally think that Xion's death was quite sad, I had never cried during a Kingdom Hearts game until the cut scene where Aqua is walking around in the Realm of Darkness and the light from her Wayfinder was going out. But this was just my reaction. Still, there are a lot of sad moments in Kingdom Hearts that it is a bit hard to define the "saddest" moment.
  3. It's been more than a week, but it's at least 7 days. I still want my username to be changed to C.Ri If periods are not allowed: C-Ri or XII-Ri
  4. I would like to change my name to C.Ri if possible, but if not C Ri or C-Ri I will confirm this next week.
  5. We all know Roxas has Ven's heart, but did Roxas grow his own heart or develop Ven's? This question has been bugging me for so long...

    1. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      roxas had ven's heart and also grew his very own heart.

    2. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      Lea answered, you can believe this.

    3. C.Ri


      Thank you both.

  6. It's really nice to appreciate the incredible detail that is put into each and every Kingdom Hearts game to make them memorable. :)

    1. VanitasisKirby


      It is, isn't it? x)

  7. I would like to see Flowmotion again. It allows Kingdom Hearts to have bigger maps and allows a new style of gameplay that is really enjoyable.
  8. The shading on this is amazing! And the proportion is so perfect! Your skill really shows
  9. It's really interesting to see the slight differences between KH II and KH II Final Mix. Roxas looks a lot like Ven there!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Joker


      Trust me it wasnt all in one week ><

    3. C.Ri


      I'm sure it wasn't. It shows how much dEtail Kh actually has. But I congratulate you for noticing all this! Hve you noticed the eyebrow difference with Ven and Roxas?

    4. Joker


      wait what?! damn now its your trun to tell me stuff.i never knew how diff roxas and vens voice was till DDD

  10. ^ Some people just don't want to talk and be silent.
  11. Kingdom Hearts isn't getting more confusing, it is getting more complex. That is what makes this series so amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kirux


      Finally, liked minded people! :D

    3. C.Ri


      ^^ Thank you.

    4. nic2134


      I know right! The true fans of KH in my opinion :P

  12. It would be great on the PS3, especially if the game is in development now. Although, seeing it on the WiiU would be quite interesting. It all depends on Nomura. Still, PS3 would be the best choice seeing as to that the numbered titles are all on Sony Home Consoles.
  13. Speculating on the Ventus and Roxas theory. Of course, I have my own thoughts on this as well. The main question for me is whether or not Roxas grew his own heart or developed Ven's. Kingdom Hearts can go either way. I just can't picture Roxas and Ven in the same room. They are much too similar. I am referring to the way Roxas acted in Days and Ven for the latter part of BBS.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SolarFlare12


      Yeah I want to try making it someday

    3. C.Ri


      As long as you have the right recipe(s), it should taste amazing. It does take a while to freeze due to the salt however.

    4. SolarFlare12


      Ah all I need now is for me to fix my Roxas wig

  14. I'm just assuming that Namine's hair is blonde due to Sora's connection with Ven. Since Sora had housed both Kairi's and Ven's fractured heart, they might have influenced Namine's appearance. In a sense, she's not exactly a "normal" nobody since she is not using a body or shell and her "Somebody" is made of pure light. Still, we never know until information is released. Correct me of I am wrong, though. This is all just what I think. I don't know the official reason to why her hair color is blonde.
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