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StarStruck last won the day on October 18 2022

StarStruck had the most liked content!

About StarStruck

  • Birthday 11/06/2001

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    oblivion is the fate of all things
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  1. Here’s the trailer: The visuals look stunning, of course, as does what little of the UI we did see. We’ve only seen crumbs and the occasional infographic on the characters and the worlds, but I’m so curious about all of these characters. The list of the different nations just kept getting longer. They showed us pretty clearly which characters can summon which eikons, so I wonder how big of a deal it really is? I had expected it to be some sort of mystery as to who had which one. Either they’re not caring too much about the surprise or there’s a lot to uncover
  2. Exactly! And there’s still so much time between the next mainline FF release that it feels like a port would fill the gap a little bit… but SE is allergic to money, I guess. If a new port were to come out, I hope it’s soon. I’ve been meaning to replay the trilogy again. FFXIII needs more love from SE in general.
  3. Yes, please, if they do port FFXIII, I hope it’s with the DLCs - but they didn’t do that with the PC port so I don’t think I’ll get my hopes up I wonder why it’s taken so long for them to port FFXIII since it’s considered “old” by now. It wasn’t that poorly received…
  4. It's really a shame that this got scrapped, I would've loved an animated series. Maybe with the recent rise of reboots and retellings, Disney and SE can be persuaded.
  5. I was very active on the roleplay forums when they were still their own category, so I’m sure we could’ve met at some point then! Thank you! Everything is very different but it still feels the same as it did then!
  6. I used to be very active on this forum when I was really young (about 13 IIRC?) and wanted to try giving it another go some eight years later, give or take, lol. My name is Aether and I love RPGs, tabletop games, horror, and writing! I'm a QA tester and aspiring creative writer. I'm also very active on Final Fantasy XIV and have a great many alts on there as well. On top of that, I draw! Some of my art can be found on my twitter. I look forward to talking with new people ^__^
  7. Username (Must be your KH13 Username) : StarStruck Nickname (For short pronounce) : Star Gender (Male or Female,do i have to say more?) : female Age : 11 (rawr!) RP Characters (Name and Pics of the character that you have created or Roleplaying other member's RP before) : Locket: http://locket-chanshadow.deviantart.com/art/Locket-Ref-365375153 Abilities (Not over-powering) : able to light up areas, capable with hand-to-hand combat RP Origins (What's the origin of your RP character?RP name and Links preferred) : None Roleplayer Thyself (Hope I'm not to late D:)
  8. Me and my sis are going fishing tomorrow <3 wish me luck ;3;

  9. LockyChaaaan.... Get on your computer! I'm already bored.

  10. Hello, my friend! How are you today? Is everything going alright? Splendid! Want something to eat? No, I'm fine. Where are we? I don't remember coming here. Oh, that's not important! What's important is that you have something to eat. Come on, it's delicious! I said I'm fine. Now, I really need to get home. My mother must be worried sick. hmph. Alright. But first, let me show you to your workplace... He he. Me and LockyChan planned this out. Well, the plot at least. We got bored. •Character Sheet• Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: History: Pet: Accessories(pet and you): Mine!: Name: Xavier Age: 16 Gender: male Personality: shy, kind, scared easily but acts tough Appearance: black shirt, brown hair, blue eyes, blue jeans and black-and-white sneakers. History: unknown at the moment Pet: an orange cat with a scar on its ear. Accessories(pet and you): pet: spiky black collar. Xavier: blue Beat headphones, carries a back pack. -waits patiently for LockyChan-
  11. I need to get on more ;-;

    1. SoraBlade


      I also ink you do!

    2. StarStruck


      Yeah. Haven't been myself lately.

    3. SoraBlade


      That kraken sucks... :P

  12. SO MY OLDER SISTER JOINED YESTERDAY... And I order you all to go see her.

  13. I need to be on more...

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