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Daniel Black

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Everything posted by Daniel Black

  1. Actually in that case i would be a god o.O anyway banned for using "" on your ban attepm .
  2. TWEWY´s shibuya is based on the Real Shibuya. Examples... http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=statue+of+hachiko+twewy&num=10&hl=es&biw=1280&bih=639&tbm=isch&tbnid=Ed28Os7af8Ad_M:&imgrefurl=http://faqs.ign.com/articles/872/872162p1.html&docid=b2qVgQA5JZXeRM&imgurl=http://faqsmedia.ign.com/faqs/image/article/872/872162/shot10.jpg&w=256&h=193&ei=BYwxUJj_Eam42wWyroBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=400&sig=113827059987621499781&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=180&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:70&tx=94&ty=59 TWEWY (Hachiko statue) http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=statue+of+hachiko+twewy&num=10&hl=es&biw=1280&bih=639&tbm=isch&tbnid=a3u695OVkbjSoM:&imgrefurl=http://g35driver.com/forums/entertainment/329705-hachiko-dogs-story.html&docid=7f7jj0Z4J2BuaM&imgurl=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2173/2094589396_8ef51c8c08.jpg&w=500&h=375&ei=BYwxUJj_Eam42wWyroBw&zoom=1 Real Hachiko statue
  3. Dios mio.. ahora veo que no solo los que hablamos español sufrimos al usar el traductor de Google para ingles . Hola a todos. Jeje al fin alguien que habla mi idioma yupiiiiii
  4. No... yet... do you believe in ghost, mosters, 2012, UFOS ant anything else?
  5. 63.- The EPIC MUSIC as always . 64.- The gang of TWEWY (including the jerk of Joshua ) 65.- Riku vs Ansem Battle (so epic) 66.- Riku vs Young Xehanort battle (too more epic) 67.- Frollo naming sora a Gipsy "priceless" 68.- Naminé yay!!! (but only a seconds... awwww)
  6. Banned for congratulate someone for just banned him .. phew too long
  7. Well... looks like that minimize a game becomes blasphemy on a forum.... jejeje anyway... each game has their own charm... there is no point of comparison between them each one is unique and that´s what makes a game or a shit or a legend..
  8. Depend of the game... also the music is a good option for the secuence.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9wzZUn3n1Y
  9. "Follow the map and you´ll find the way... that´s what Master Aqua told me once"
  10. Evan looked all the situation... he knew that the orb he gave to juno was what call him there... but the young Juno was divided in two... the one of darkness than jericho destroyed with his light... and the true juno... a light saved by his old master. Evan reached Juno looking at the old jericho´s keyblade lying on the ground.... he knew that the conflict would end there but for now.... "Jericho... you fool ... always risking everything.... he thought. Then he told Juno: Your master was right about you Juno. If you want to save Saez... you need to stay strong .... believe in yourself and light will guide you.... i see you soon... and be careful. He then teleports outside the battleground. He reached again his old world... but this time someone was waiting for him... You travel to all worlds and met so many hearts... you were fading on darkness and still don´t you get corrupted by darkness... surely i understimate you Evan. - Sage then appeared from the shadows of the ruins... Sage, you want the power over the worlds... thats why you controled Professor and Saez.... even you tried to use Tyrax and Juno for your purpose... You are nothing except a empty shell filled with darkness... he tolds Sage. In fact, im curious... when i choose you for training i though you were useless for my plans... a nuisance in my road, just like the people of this town...Yes.. i am the one who begins all of this .... and now you are going to help me to finish this!! Sage shouted as dark chains trapped Evan - What?!! Evan exclaimed as he tried to pull out of the chains struggling him... You and your "power" will help me to conquer the ultimate force...the light of Kingdom Hearts!!! Now you will become Darkness!!! - Sage´s darkness then surrounds Evan --- No! aghh .... Evan yelled... as his light was fading away....
  11. All original just came out of my head i guess... Yes.. it took some time....
  12. Congratulations everyone http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  13. Im the only person in let me see... twenty kilometers to the round. Until today, if it´s not call of duty... gears of war an KoF.... its too hard to make a videogame conversation
  14. The drop gauge only serves for changing off Sora for Riku... in the cutscene of traverse town the two can see the each other but they can´t hear the other... it´s just an image... obviously both of them could hear Joshua thanks to A) His portal tricky thing... and http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png his Composer-like god powers... after all in no other world this happen... again . IF not.. then the only thing i can say is "The magic of videogames in action)
  15. killling me of laugh good one! hahahahahahhahaahahahahaha
  16. C´mon Juno... you can´t give up so easy... alright i´ll give you a little help. Evan´s voice reach juno as he appear between her an Jericho. Barrier! Evan exclaim as he block the attack of the master. I made it just in time. You call me, right? (Hehe don´t worry. you were out a few days so.. its normal )
  17. All right let me seee..... (I dont know if it will have but just for caution.. SPOILERS) First... In Kingdom hearts 1, Traverse town was a refuge for those who lost their homeworlds... when Sora defeated Amsem, all the worlds were restored and the people return to where they belong... then traverse town as only appears when it´s needed return to sleep. Now i think that was lucky for Joshua... jejeje. Second- ahmmm donald is a duck .. and goofy is a dog... and sora doesn´t ask them "hey how you are able to speak? ¬¬ " .. i think is the same for Joshua... third- This traverse town is modified acording to Joshua´s dreams... in fact this traverse town is Joshua´s modified Traverse town (as long the world is in the realm of sleep). 4.- (yes it´s a fourth phew..,. ) Joshua said to Riku that the dream eaters "only attack dreamers," and that for some unknown reason, even though Joshua has plenty of dreams, he apparently isn't one. When Riku wonders if he's a dreamer, Joshua says that "all human beings are dreamers." in fact they don´t attack joshua because he´s not human... he´s in proper words "god". And 5.- yes Rhyme is adorable and smart even in TWEWY ... sadly her end in that game sniff)
  18. Evan needed to find Lexia... the promise he made to Juno, he needed to fullfil. He reached the place known as the Land of Departure, however.. just for his luck.. the place were attacked by the dark wielders... he then saw Lexia and the others fighting in the place... a dark wielder was about to attack Lexia - Hey look out - Flare!! he shout as the blast destroy the dark wielder. When he was a bout to talk to her Evan vanished away. (Actually ... Lexia... Nathan.. Anya and the others left the mansion. now they are on Land of departure )
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