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Posts posted by LightKeyDarkBlade

  1. First, we have to understand that darkness is not necessarily evil in the lore of Kingdom Hearts. Mickey learned that based on Riku.

    I don't believe that Vanitas is only restricted to negativity. I presume that Vanitas himself believed it that way and so got dragged into his cycle of negativity regarding the Unversed. This is based on the canon KHBbS novels. Xehanort sort of misguided him.

    And believe it or not, he's connected to Sora in some way. His face is the obvious evidence.

  2. In terms of writing and storytelling, we have to look at the effect and impact of a character's permanent death.

    Aerith's death in FFVII is a perfect example (fun fact: it's recommended by Nomura himself). Her death is emotional and brought a huge impact to the entire party especially Cloud in his motivation and guilt. Not only that. She's the last Cetra on the Planet and the theme of the game revolves around life itself. So the sudden and unexpected death of an important character when the theme is life gives players the necessary emptiness. The development team also made sure that only Aerith died so as to focus on the weight of death and not dilute it.

    As for whether Riku should die, we have to ask ourselves what and how the impact is like if he were to die.

  3. 7 hours ago, 2 quid is good said:


    State thy nameth and purposeth, for I do not accept your darkness


    Fite me >:|


    sighs in uno

    My name is of no importance. What about you? Do you remember your true name?

    5 minutes ago, Zeldablade7 said:

    7 guardians of light 

    Checkmate. Just like the legend. Darkness prevails, and light expires.

  4. My main reasoning behind Luxu is the little secret MoM told Luxu. There's a reason the audience couldnt hear it. Even the "You'll see" line bothers me because we don't know if that's actually for Luxu or us. I don't believe he opened the Box, but as far as getting information it isn't out of the question. If he's just watching then who's to say he wasn't told to watch because the MoM knew a certain event was coming that needed to be witnessed? Recorded even? Luxu has an important role to fulfill and i doubt it's just to watch. He will do more im sure of it.

    That is true. There's the secret of the content of the box which only the Master and Luxu knew of. The Master's "you'll see" ("surprise" in the JP dub) is definitely towards Luxu. So what he's saying is that there's meant to be a surprising outcome on why having the content in the box.


    Luxu was indeed told to watch both with his own eyes and the Gazing Eye "as things unfold between the others", referring to the Keyblade wielders until the Keyblade War. That is shown in the first cutscene of KH0.2. Then, after that, his role continues which is to pass down the Keyblade. There're also χ[chi]-exclusive cutscenes where Luxu himself admitted to Ava that his role/mission was to watch. I'll link them below.






    So from this, we can conclude that Luxu's role is basically what you said, to record events for the Book of Prophecies. Watching others up until the Keyblade War, and then pass down the Keyblade so that the Master would know the things that whatever the Gazing Eye observes, towards the far future. His job is literally to make the Book possible as well as to further the Master's own intentions and plans.


    So I would doubt that he was also tasked to deal with Maleficent, when the figure "Darkness" shows to possess near complete knowledge of the future while Luxu wasn't permitted that knowledge. If he were told to just watch the event related to Maleficent, then knowledge isn't actually necessary, right? That figure was literally exposing Maleficent!  :O

  5. My immediate assumption was that it was Luxu or Lauriam.


    My immediate assumption was that it was Luxu or Lauriam. Luxu, because as far as we know, the Foretellers and Luxu were the only ones aware of a Master. Then again there's no real reason to believe this is actually taking place during the KHUX timeless, but since it's presented her it's a logical assumption. Still, Luxu would be the only one left alive, and the box is the only thing connecting Luxu and Maleficent so far. Perhaps he had to set this trap in order to send Maleficent home due to the Masters

    orders. Luxu didn't have knowledge of the future, but may have knowledge of this event.


    My argument for Lauriam is pretty weak. I present it as a possibility because since this certain event happened because Maleficent went back in time, who's to say no one else can do the same? We "thought" that rewritting history couldn't happen, but this confirms that it can, just not in certain worlds. We know why we can't also.

    Perhaps Xehanort planned even farther ahead and sent Lauriam back in time after returning him into a nobody again just for the purpose of bring Ven to the present (BBS) while also tasking Lauriam to create the trap for Maleficent to make sure she can fulfill her duties in 3.

    What you said about Luxu are just speculations. The fact is still Luxu not knowing anything about the future at all. The role he's given is to pass down the Keyblade, and that's all. The Master didn't even give any specific order on what to do with the box other than not to open it ever. So that means to hide it and to never let it be opened by anyone including himself. He only told Luxu what's in the box. Basically, what Luxu was supposed to do was to watch (with the Keyblade), and pass down the Keyblade.


    No Book of Prophecies and no other things. No order to deal with Maleficent or whatsoever. Note that the figure knows very specific details:

    1. Maleficent being from the future and her plans on coming to the past.
    2. Maleficent's scheme on changing the past and gathering the seven pure lights.
    3. Maleficent manipulating Riku.
    4. Riku piercing Maleficent with the Keyblade of heart.
    5. Maleficent's own thoughts after being pierced, and her plan to time travel.
    6. The interaction between Master Xehanort and Maleficent and what he specifically told her, including the method to move through time.
    7. Not constructing Enchanted Dominion from the Book of Prophecies just to foil her plan; have a fixed data version of it instead.
    8. Leaving out Kairi's world (either Radiant Garden or Destiny Islands) from data on purpose.
    9. Preventing Maleficent's memories of the future to transcend time back here to the past.

    Very specific details, right? This is my argument. Luxu was not allowed the Book and so was not supposed to know anything about the future. Hence, there's no point for the Master to tell him about all this. It's contradicting. Even if Luxu found out about this himself, there would be temporal paradoxes already regarding the Master's knowledge of the future as well as the Book, because the fact that the Book exists is due to Luxu following the Master's order to pass down the Keyblade without knowing anything.


    Regarding Lauriam, it's a possibility. Considering that we know little to nothing about Lauriam's background, we can't rule it out.

  6. I watched it and it is not the Master. He is mentioned in the third person in the conversation. I wonder if it is that mysterious figure in the Union Cross artwork wearing a coat and holding a bleeding heart flower. Heck it may be an “it” for all I know since it is basically shapeless.

    Interesting. Indeed, "Darkness" mentions how "the Master knew, of course" in the third person. Or is it possible that the Master is referring to himself as "Master" in the third person purposefully?


    The figure seems to know almost everything about the future including Maleficent and Xehanort (what happened between them as well as Maleficent's plans), and the only person that has that knowledge is supposedly the Master himself. I doubt that the Book of Prophecies alone contains that much information, considering the "last passage" is supposedly about the Keyblade War which has already occurred.


    It cannot be Luxu as he doesn't possess any single detail about the future at all, to prevent temporal paradoxes.


    And yup, there's also that figure in the Union Cross artwork which could be a new character but I feel that it's an unlikely case. I feel that there's no reason to have new characters at this point and Strelitzia and Lauriam should be the last ones. Even the members of the real Organization XIII are all existing characters based on analysis.


    But I'm really curious who "Darkness" is, for someone to apparently have near complete knowledge of the future.


    Can UX be straight for once? Like, advance the plot instead of dropping another question without a nearby answer?

    Well, to be fair, the KH series has never been straight.  xD


    This new cutscene alone actually answers questions more than introducing questions. It answers and confirms some of the things like:

    1. How Maleficent was apparently "killed" in KH1 and "revived" later on in KH2.
    2. Further confirming what Vexen said in Re:CoM where one cannot return from the realm of darkness of their own volition after being destroyed. Hence, Maleficent wasn't destroyed nor revived.
    3. How she possesses the knowledge of the Book of Prophecies.
    4. Why she said that the world of the "date escape" is familiar;
    5. and how she tried to relate the "date escape" with the Book after her experience in the datascape in Re:coded.
    6. The secret ending of χ[chi]; revealed to be her apparently "going back in time" again.
    7. Further confirming the rules/restrictions of travelling through time (just a confirmation but helpful in case if what Young Xehanort said is inaccurate/incomplete).
    8. Further explaining Union Cross: new experiences for the survivors of the Keyblade War; revealed to be similar to the datascape and everything in it was decided in advance).

    New questions include:

    1. Who is the figure "Darkness"?
    2. How did Maleficent return to her own time (which will be explained next, very likely)?
    3. Why did Master Xehanort tell Maleficent of the methods of time travelling as well, when he himself explained that he used her just to find the seven pure lights? Is it possible that he wanted her to move through time for that purpose? If so, why and how?
    4. More background required for the Union Cross business, where even Ephemer find it suspicious or questionable and that the 5 new Union leaders were told to make it happen according to the rules.


    Sources of videos to refresh your memory (by release order):

    1. (Re:CoM) The Organization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZCxTYkTxJQ
    2. (Re:coded) A Fairy Tale?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLMoa5-yI28
    3. (χ[chi]) Unchained 0[ZERO] (Part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vU_CcgQFU8
    4. (χ[chi]) Unchained 0[ZERO] (Part 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJM_EwWqvWs
    5. (Union χ[cross]) Union Cross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyXVpP7ZeIY

  7. Nah, I really hated how they handled the situation. Mickey should told people about Aqua and that she was left behind in the Realm of Darkness. ''Go without me'' Really? She said leave without me guess I won't help here despite she helped me 10 times more. 


    Also Yen Sid or Mickey, not sure anymore, said that it is really hard to enter the Realm of Darkness. Yet RIKU CAN USE CORRIDORS! If Mickey just told him he could open one for him. 

    At the point of 358/2 Days and KH2, Riku's heart wasn't strong enough. Plus, Riku and Mickey barely met each other during the period. In 358/2 Days, they met once and it was right before Riku faced Roxas, and Riku couldn't beat Roxas without giving in to the darkness. What about the realm of darkness where even a Keyblade Master like Aqua has trouble? In KH2, Riku was in Ansem's form which implies the existence of darkness in his heart and so wasn't effective in a place like the realm of darkness. After he reverted to his original form, he couldn't open the corridors anymore.


    Mickey said that it's difficult to get to the realm of darkness and he has only done so once by chance when a world was consumed by darkness and corridors appeared in the realm between, specifically in Traverse Town for Mickey. And that's not the only problem. How about getting out? Riku got out because of DiZ while Mickey got out through a corridor constructed by Organization XIII, probably by sneaking in (refer to Secret Ansem's Report 11).


    It's reckless to go to the realm of darkness without knowing how to get in and out. And we all know how reckless both Sora and Riku can be, and hence why Yen Sid didn't reveal it. It's not that no one cared about Aqua. Plus, it's not just about getting in. You need to find Aqua in such a huge realm while battling both the Heartless and the darkness at the same time.

  8. I get the feeling that the Darkling is the Player in KHUχ, and the glowing star represents the Starlight Keyblade (and its token as part of the Keychain) as well as light itself. That would mean that the Player would fall into darkness in the end (either by self-sacrifice or by unwillingness as I don't think the Player favours darkness), albeit still hanging on to some form of light.


    It kinda makes sense as the Player is the main protagonist of KHUχ and the game is still a main entry in the series. So basically a sad ending for the Player and Sora would probably need to save him as well, but the question of how he is connected to Sora remains.

  9. My problem with the KH timeline isn't that it's hard to understand cuz I do understand it................(I hope?)


    The problem is that even when you understand it you only find out how overly convoluted and a lot of the times stupid it can be.


    Retcons all over the place,time travel,magical book that can predict the future,Xehanort's lofty motivation for reigniting the Keyblade War again,the dumb reason that caused the first Keyblade war to happen with the  tools that are the foretellers and finally all the stuff with Ventus being a union leader and alive hundreds of years before BBS.



    And people think the Metal Gear and Zelda timelines are confusing xD


    From what you said, you seem to not really understand it after all.


    I don't think there are any retcons other than the big revelation in KHDDD. Nonetheless, retcons are common in a fiction with a huge universe. Look at Marvel Comics or DC Comics. The bigger the story and universe, the more retcons it can have. Time travel is also a common tool in fiction. I don't see how people complain about time travel in some other fictions. It's not the magical book that predicts the future. It's the Master of Masters who actually saw the future and wrote it down into the Book of Prophecies. Xehanort wants Kingdom Hearts. If you had actually paid attention to what he says and what he wrote in his reports, you would've known that. The foretellers gaining distrust between each other (possibly intended by the Master) and leading to the Keyblade War; how is it stupid? The case for Ventus is still a mystery so we should have nothing to say about that. His past was previously unrevealed so I don't see why it's not possible that he's from the era of the fairy tales and how Xehanort actually tried to use him and only him for some reason.


    I'm tired of people saying the term "overly convoluted" for Kingdom Hearts when it's not. That term is way overused as if people are just following the trend of what people say.

  10. Kingdom Hearts III is confirmed to be there since it's coming out in the same year. It's also time for an update for Final Fantasy VII Remake.


    KH3 shouldn't be released on Switch together with PS4 and Xbox One first. It's already difficult enough to work on both of these platforms. If they want to port it to Switch, it should be at least after its first launch.

  11. They are the same person. Xigbar is Braig’s Organization 13 name. Braig became a Xehanort and part of the real Organization 13 and so his name is Xigbar.



    I think Xigbar is Braig but the reason Braig is called Xigbar is because he has renounced his original persona's name and has accepted his Xehanort name instead, know what i mean?

    Xigbar and Braig are the same person but they are different individuals (and different "race" as well). Braig is a human while Xigbar is Braig's Nobody, and Braig lived on as Xigbar as a Nobody after he lost his heart to darkness (so same person but different individuals).


    In the Destiny cutscene from Re:coded, all of the individuals there are humans after their Nobodies are destroyed except for Young Xehanort. After that, Braig and Isa disappeared to somewhere, presumably to where Terra-Xehanort (original self of Xemnas) is.


    In the ending of KH3D, all of the members of the real Organization XIII there are from different points of time through Young Xehanort's use of time travel. None of them are from the present. Hence the way they disappeared at the end when their time is up. So it was Xigbar and Saïx, not Braig and Isa, who were there and they're from the past. Braig and Isa are someplace else in the present time.


    This is the current situation at the moment unless Nomura retcons it.

  12. For appropriateness, only FF7R and the Nier series (or Drakengard series as a whole) work.


    For FF7R, arrangements can be made easily since Nomura is directing both FF7R and KH3. Plus, FF is already crossing over in KH in the series itself.


    Nier would be the second best thing but they're kinda hard to fit if you want to do a crossover event. But it can still work.


    Both FF7R and Nier are also closely related with SE.

  13. They're not necessarily from the same era. Let's not jump to conclusions. But of course, I'm not totally ruling out the possibility.


    As for Blaine, the new artwork by Nomura shows that he actually looks quite different from Ienzo. In fact, their hairstyles differ greatly if you look carefully. People quickly saying that he looks like Ienzo during his first appearance was just a rash guess. He's a completely new character like Strelitzia and some of the other new Union leaders.

  14. I don't get how it could be Strelitzia's Nobody. Her heart was not lost to darkness. She was struck down just like what happened to Master Eraqus. There's no darkness. She fades away into the light with her heart going somewhere (perhaps to Kingdom Hearts or somewhere else). Her heart was not shown to be enveloped in darkness and transform into a Heartless, so no Nobody.


    It's very unlikely to be Luxu. Luxu went off to accomplish the role given to him. There's no reason for him to be here with these new Union leaders, unless he wants to pick one of them as his apprentice and pass down the Keyblade to them. That would be a very big revelation. But why though? On another note, it doesn't seem to be Luxu based on the artwork. He's also not associated with any flower before, unlike Strelitzia and Lauriam/Marluxia and even the Master of Masters himself (he held a dandelion in KHχBC and in KH2.8 box art).


    The person doesn't look to be like the Master or a foreteller. Any foreteller also doesn't need to wear a black coat.


    It's either Strelitzia herself (either before her "death" or after a possible resurrection) or a new character. By consistency, these are all the new Union leaders and the only person revealed so far who is related to them (except for the Master, Ava and the Player) is Strelitzia. So it's her or someone new (or old who's never appeared in KHUχ before).

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