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Everything posted by DJ369

  1. Yeah I always do, or some of my privileges will be taken away.
  2. Will someone PLEASE explain to my why Unalaq is trying to release Vaatu and unleash chaos? I know hes power-hungry but what could he gain from releasing Vaatu?

  3. I would definitely miss it because I grew up playing it. If it were to end with KH3 without the new saga thing... well... that would just be okay. I'm not saying the new saga is gonna suck it's just... what if its not as good as the Xehanort saga? Its pretty much like getting milked. I just don't want it to become like final fantasy where it just keeps GOING AND GOING AND GOING. So yeah I'd miss it if it were to end right now.
  4. this needs to happen! nomura if your reading this, DON'T HESITATE MAN!!!
  5. If it were me, id stay cool with them but not be TOO involved with their whole situation. If my friends told me that these girls were like that, then I'd keep a CLOSE eye on them. Just observe and be ready for each possible outcome. If they really are gossiping about you, before hand think of some crunk things to say back to them. Like their clothes are ugly or bad makeup. Yknow all that girl trash talk. I'm a guy so I wouldn't know exactly lol I hope this helps
  6. holy. shit. kh3 looks so awesome!!! when is it coming out?!?!?!

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      2015 = me at 20

      2016 = me at 21

      Any year = me a KH fanboy

    2. DJ369


      Ill probably already be in college when KH3 comes out. Bu firetruck it, I don't care. KH FOREVER!!!

    3. Philip Ellwell
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  7. I doubt that, but that would be freakin awesome.
  8. The Other Promise,Deep Anxiety, Cavern of Remembrance, Unversed Boss themes and Terra's Theme
  9. just because i dont know certain things doesn't mean you have to be a bitch about it when i dont know. firetrucking shut up already... :/

  10. Exactly my thoughts. We've been waiting for this for 8 years. Might as well wait a few more years. At least we know its coming.
  11. Aw dude, no... it's terrible BEASTS they are not breasts lol and I'm sure Sazh said fuzz ball
  12. Next summer! I'm in high school now and I need to start saving some money for when I live on my own. But that won't be till another 3 years or so lol
  13. That's sad I'm very sorry to you Utada. May she rest in peace. I wonder why she killed herself though?
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