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Everything posted by moonlightmidnight

  1. I have one too. Maybe we can beat people up when they try to cut the lines for a early copy of KH3D.Keyblade replicas are awesome. Xaldin days and Marluxia hrs At the top of my computer, there's an advertisement about Disney World.
  2. Vexen days people and Marluxia hr's. I got a hair cut yesterday and now I look like Zexion.Before I looked like Marluxia.
  3. Thank you for Zexion. I think he's kick ass even though he doesn't do anything but smell things and stand in one place. I loved him in days when he was playable. He had a book as a weapon and as his casual gear, it was a sandwich.It would make sense if I was Zexion because my birthday is in June and June is the sixth month in a year.I look like Marluxia. The only problem is I'm allergic to flowers. 5 more days and 10 more hrs
  4. Now that I think of it, In days, there was this one scene with Xemnas watching Roxas while hes in a comma.He said that he fell asleep again. Does he mean Sora or Ventus by that statement or line? I think Xemnas knows who Roxas is.
  5. Scar: Be prepared for a chance of a life time, be prepared for sensational news. A shinny new era is tiptoeing nearer Shenzi: And where do we feature? Scar: Just listen to teacher. I know it sounds sordid but you'll be rewarded.When at last I am given my dues Scar: And injustice deliciously squared. Be Prepared! SAIX DAYS AND SAIX HRS >
  6. I changed my avatar. I still like Isa.It's funny but right around the time I changed it, the countdown said 7 days and 7 hrs. lols

  7. I remember the very first commercial of Kingdom Hearts. I really loved the theme song and got excited over it. Then, when my older sister bought the game, she would let me play it. After that, I started to play my old gamecube games. I cann't say that much about the other commercials for the sequels to KH, except days. I bought Days about a year after it was release.I had a choice of either getting days or pokemon black. It turned out one of the best games I ever played and I liked how Axel acted.
  8. I might start drawing right now.

    1. Yang


      Go ahead, it isn't gonna do any harm.

    2. Roxie
    3. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Draw and become addicted to your art! :D

  9. Axel days and Xigbar hrs. I'm bored. Maybe I'll go and draw in a empty room were nobody will bother me.
  10. Hello, I would like to tell you that my sister was deciding to make a ninja outfit. Like Kakashi's from naruto.

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Haha, that's awesome bro! And I imagine you too must want to dress up as a ninja? xD

    2. moonlightmidnight


      I even have a T Shirt that shows you how to make the top part.And it only requires 1 shirt.

  11. The one thing in the world that I truly miss is my first WOW account. My character use to be called Moonria and she was a dark elf at level 34. i^i

    1. Protoman


      i had a level 85, getting there was really boring

    2. Shana09


      I have a level 85 also...it was boring as hell

    3. moonlightmidnight


      I thought it would be fun being level 85. I guess that I'm wrong.

      Remember that one trick that you can do in the auction house?

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. Well he needs help, shouldn't we help him?
  13. littlekuriboh as Yami Marik Ishtar: This door is a b****.

    1. Shana09


      Marik in this abridged is my favorite

    2. moonlightmidnight


      Even littlekuriboh said he acted like Marik ( besides the way he dressed) when he was 15 years old. Yami Marik reminds me of Xemnas. He would also make a great voice Luxord.

    3. moonlightmidnight
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  14. littlekuriboh as Yami Marik Ishtar: 1111

    1. moonlightmidnight


      Yami Marik: 1112 Computer: access denied

  15. I just don't seem interested in the new Batman movie.

    1. moonlightmidnight


      It sounds good but I'm kind of bored and not into batman.Sorry

  16. Is it your unbirthday today?

    1. moonlightmidnight


      Alice and Wonderland refrence

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