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Everything posted by moonlightmidnight

  1. I CANN'T WAIT FOR TO GET MY COPY.Only two hr's left.

  2. Man I have to wait for the mall to open at 12:00 to get KH3D. Also at the top of the page of my computer, there is an advertisement about KH3D.
  3. O M G it's almost here.I have to go to sleep now. Good night and I wish you a happy KH3D release day.

  4. 8D Cool. Least you don't have to walk around in a mall and have people stare at your costume.
  5. I went to Walmart today and they had a billboard saying they will sell it on 7/31/
  6. I'm dying a wig black so I can be Xion and a few days ago, I dyed a blonde wig blue to make a Saix wig style.But I have a choice of either Xion or Saix.
  7. Cosplay as either Xion or Saix?

    1. Koko


      Saix is a hottie

      be saix

    2. moonlightmidnight


      That's why I love him.Plus his weapon is cool.

    3. venxas24


      Xion's better end of conversation your being her

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Xemnas days and Xemnas hrs. I'm done with my coat.I think I'll dress as Xion because I don't want people to stare at me if I cosplay as Saix. Who else is going to cosplay while picking up there pre order? My local Gamestop is at a mall so I better not act suspicious.
  9. I'm almost done with my organization xiii coat. Maybe tomorrow I'll wear it when I get my preorder of MoM.Going to be Saix or Xion.
  10. Making another Organization xiii coat. Also my mom bought a bigger needle for the sewing machine so now I can continue on my other project for Sora's wisdom form.

  11. I'm making mine, but I already made another one before this one. It's my first time cosplay in public and I'm either Xion or Saix. Xion because my hair is as short as hers or Saix because I styled a wig as his hair.But I'm not putting anything special for the eyes so no blue or yellow eye contacts.My eyes are already a light brown color.
  12. Aqua looks like the tallest of the group but thats cool what you did. My sister likes minecraft.
  13. Why can't this game come out? A few people are now getting it early while we have to wait two or three more days to get it. This seems unfair.

    1. RikuVazquez


      I know what you mean, I want it in my hands already

    2. moonlightmidnight


      These three or two days are going to be such a pain.Why I say three or two days is that some people get it earlier then others.

    3. RikuVazquez
  14. Now who would like a cookie. :3

    1. kh Memories Skyskraper

      kh Memories Skyskraper

      MEEEEEEEEEE!!! meee meeee meee meee!

    2. moonlightmidnight


      * Gives cookie* ;3

    3. kh Memories Skyskraper

      kh Memories Skyskraper

      *eats cookie* :3 Thanks for the cookie!!!!

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