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Everything posted by Whimsy-Mimsy

  1. ~Shadow One~ *insert creepy music/thunder*
  2. Hiya, I'm me. I cosplay, draw, read, and luuuurve Kingdom Hearts, which is why I'm here, of course! Oh! Something interesting: I have a scar on my arm that dances.
  3. Congratulations! A toast to the years that come!
  4. Welcome! Don't be scared, most of us don't bite! And hey, your first post can be scary, but everyone's quite nice here (although a bit crazy sometimes) and I'm sure you'll fit in here just fine. PS: I lurked for nearly a year before starting to post; I promise it's more fun on this side of things!
  5. That's never happened to me. My real name is too obscure to be in any test, at least in english.
  6. I used to 'hate' KH1 Riku, but I say 'hate' because it was a good thing; throughout most of the game he's a 'bad guy' of sorts, and as the 'good guy', you're supposed to hate him. I truly began to dislike Riku at the end of KH1 when he locked himself in the darkness, supposedly to 'help' Sora. It never made sense to me exactly why he couldn't help push, as pushing something is nearly always more effective than pulling something. From then on, it seemed like he just turned into a stereotypical, angsty character. And now Riku and Sora have this sort of super-bromance happening that the original, teasing, big-brother type Riku would never allow. I mean, in KH1, Riku was all about beating Sora, as friendly competition, knowing that Sora would try to beat him with all his might. KH3D Riku is all worried how Sora might feel because Old Riku would've rubbed it in his face, and then kidded about he'd just have to try harder to beat him next time. I dunno, it seems to me that Riku has changed way more than just 'developing'. He's become a new, completely different person.
  7. I liked it, and I liked the way it tied back in when Sora goes to Twilight Town and meets Roxas' 'friends'. But I understand how it could get annoying, so maybe it'd be nice if after the first time you've played it, you could skip it.
  8. Well, then I guess I'll just keep being me! (thank you!)
  9. Gods, I miss my Gamecube. I bet it's around here somewhere....
  10. But....my avatar is me! So...this is me?
  11. So, once upon a time, I was in the color guard at my school and we had to change into our uniforms in a bathroom, and since the uniforms had a slanted cut in the neckline, we had to wear special bras as well. Well, I lef the bra I had been wearing in the bathroom by accident, and the next day at school someone found it and strung it up on the ceiling. What's worse, is that my friend on the color guard saw it, and knew it was mine so she brought it to my class and just handed it to me in front of everyone! Gods, at the time I was mortified, but now it just sounds funny.
  12. Only 5$?!? But I only have a hundred-dollar bill...
  13. That's so cool! May I ask, is the combat turn-based? I looked on the wiki but I couldn't find a clear answer.
  14. It is, and I appreciate the compliment! There's a separate thread in creative media in which I posted a few more pictures from my Kairi shoot, if you wan to check it out!
  15. This sounds like such a cool idea! I had a couple questions, though: chuksxy, have you ever tried using Maya? WIth my little experience, I found it easier to use than Blender, and if you are a student of any kind you can get it for free! Also, I'm not a particularly good artist, but I would love to help with character designs if possible. just let me know!
  16. Whimsy-Mimsy

    Sora and Meow Wow sketch

    I think I may be in love.
  17. This is incredible! The only thing I would maybe, possibly suggest is darkening the edge between Sora and Xigbar. Not quite as much as the outside outline, but just enough so that Sora's hair doesn't get lost in Xigbar's coat. Whether you do this or not, I still love it. Lots.
  18. I know that feeling. When I feel that it's my body being fussy, rather than my mind, I usually try to do some sort of exercise, with lots of good, loud music. Even if it's just dancing like a loon for a couple minutes in your room, getting the blood and endorphins flowing really seems to help (for me, anyway). Either way, I wish you good luck and I hope you can find your motivation and draw/write lovely things for the world to marvel at!
  19. I dunno if this is my least favorite ever, but recently I've been replaying BBS and I keep forgetting that the giant Wild Bruisers aren't affected by magnet, and so I keep getting smacked while I think everything is hovering above me...
  20. Three Hips and a Hooray! Sea Salt Icecream for all!
  21. I love Tron's face. Donald's feeling all sorts of snuggly, but Tron just looks like he can't cope with the beak. Tee-hee!
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