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Whimsy-Mimsy last won the day on October 1 2021

Whimsy-Mimsy had the most liked content!

About Whimsy-Mimsy

  • Birthday January 11

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  • Member Title
    Whimsiest of the Mimsies
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  1. Whimsy-Mimsy

    KH3 Kairi Beach 1

    Thank you!! It’s one of my favorite recent costumes ♥️
  2. Whimsy-Mimsy

    KH3 Kairi Beach 1

    The pink is a medium weight stretch nylon blend, lined with a light white stretch nylon blend. The pockets and hood are black pleather, and the bottom black bits are just cotton.
  3. Whimsy-Mimsy

    KH3 Kairi Beach 2

    Another silly edit of me at a beach Edit and cosplay by moi Photo by @mothermochi on instagram
  4. Whimsy-Mimsy

    KH3 Kairi Beach 1

    Silly edit of me at a beach Edit and cosplay by moi Photo by @mothermochi on instagram
  5. You stold my birthday! Give it back!

    1. Whimsy-Mimsy


      I think you'll find I had it way before you :P

    2. Joanie


      Aww... :P

      I like your Kairi outfit.

  6. Whimsy-Mimsy

    KH3 Kairi Selfie 2

    One of a million selfies I took because I love this costume so much and I can’t wait to wear it again. Costume made by me ?
  7. Whimsy-Mimsy

    KH3 Kairi Selfie 1

    One of a million selfies I took because I love this costume so much and I can’t wait to wear it again. Costume made by me ?
  8. The first sneak peek of the little photoshoot I did at DCC this weekend! Hopefully I’ll have proper photos to share soon. Photographer: @mothermochi on instagram Costume made by me ?
  9. I finished my KH3 Kairi cosplay! It was a whirlwind to get her done this quick, but I’m super happy I managed it! Costume made by me ?
  10. Hi guys! I just entered an art contest for an anime con I want to go to; here is my entry: https://www.facebook.com/DeltaHCon/photos/a.860335580702030.1073741837.479098928825699/860335850702003/?type=3&theater

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Whimsy-Mimsy
    3. Javelin434


      Omg you're back!!!!

    4. Whimsy-Mimsy


      I've been being a creeper for a while, but yeah! I've just been drowning in school and work. How have you been?

  11. It's been a while, but I'm back, this time with a proper Xion shoot! Although I'm not nearly cool enough to pull of Xion, I really liked making this cosplay, and I'm happy I got to do an actual shoot! There's more on my acparadise account, these are just my favorites!
  12. I love books as well, but to choose my very favorites I'd have to say: ~The Wish List ~Flipped
  13. This show made me remember how much I loved anime. It's ridiculous in all the right ways. It's got drama, but the characters have enough humor so as to not make it mopey. It's fast-paced and action-packed and it's one of the few shows I've ever watched without a couple of days/week break between episodes.
  14. I think it was Soul Eater, though I might've watched more episodes of Hitman Reborn; I usually stick to shorter animes.
  15. Firetrucking Carmen Sandiego and the Case of the Stolen Drums on Gamecube. The tutorial was terrible, and despite it being a game for ten-year-olds, I find it impossibly difficult to even get past the first 'world' area, and mind you, I'm usually considered a pretty good videogame player.
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