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Everything posted by xig28

  1. im use to the japanese havent played the english since im living in japan right now
    1. xig28


      eh made one already but it gets bumped down by other topics so i rather just tell ppl to watch it here on my profile since many ppl seem to be having trouble with him and posting same topics

    2. DChiuch


      Shana, you're not a mod. I believe people have talked to you about this before, but you need to stop telling people what to do.

    3. Shana09
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. I have a video of riku doing no damage on my profile if you wanna check out my strategy
  3. dont use balloon spell. Just go over him like this: I have a good strategy with riku but for sora it will take awhile since he is alot weaker to julius. you can message me for anything about julius since i no damaged him
  4. i believe you shouldnt use the standard mode to test the difficulty of the game. you need to play critical mode to actually understand how difficult the game can be. same goes for the rest of the kh games. trying to compare each game difficulty on standard really isnt accurate enough.
  5. you know i havent attempted him on level 1 and to be honest this game will be quite difficult on a level one 1. enemies this time around hit you randomly and are smarter about it. but i can still give a quick overview on the boss. Also you might want to give description what the boss looks like since the english and japanese names are different as how i have the japanese version ;P
  6. agree unless your riku alot of commands at the beginning and overall dont help as much in this game
  7. Hey guys, So i guess since everyone now has the game. I was thinking of maybe just posting my breakdowns on secret portal bosses and the secret boss as well. But before i begin I guess I just wanna see which bosses people are having trouble with the most? Since i have about 4 months of experience with the game i have a pretty good overview of how they work. So yea post here about what help you need. thank you. and i believe other ppl can join in on the help with they wanna give their input. thank you
  8. lol well there are other ways to maybe do it but it will take a helluva lot longer haha
  9. alright so im bumping this thread up to ask anyone out there something. Now that the game is out in all regions, I wanted to ask something if they can pull a no damage fight on julius using sora. i would be able to do this but im super busy here in japan right now. So if anyone out there is willing to take this challenge I would honor you with the proud symbol of first no damage with sora( since i am the first ot no damage with riku). Only rules are this: -your allowed a max of 2 BALLOONS(any form) commands. the rest of the commands you can use to your liking. -if you can be under level 75 (since i defeated julius at level 72 with riku) with sora. -and just dont get hit…muahahha. but yea if anyone can do this and on video that would be great. hopefully someone out there can do this?? ganbatte!
  10. if your playing with riku I have a good strategy with him, if your playing with sora it will be a lil more diffifult to julius as him but not impossible.He is actually easier to fight with as Riku as compared to Sora since Riku has reflect barrier guard. Overall nothing too difficult. Metor burst and firaga burst really help in this fight and Riku has double jump which he can just go over Julius and if you use metor burst it hads a third jump making julius unable to each you and getting in a strong hit. Julius is very hard to hit close with just hacknslash since he rarely staggers and has extreme defense. so the best approach i made with this without using balloons is meteor burst 2x, firaga burst, and curaga 2x. overall i enjoyed fighting Julius. julius doesnt stagger when taking damage so you need to be quick about hitting him and making sure you time your attacks just right since you have about a second and a half before he hits again. the move i use that teleports me behind him is a special ability you equip, its like guard but when your somewhat far or when is about to hit you you can use this ability. its quite handy and gets some nice damage in. the key to this fight is timing everything. when he goes into his surge mode, use dark barrier to not take damage from his lightning. Just dodge his attacks since they send out a lighting stream after he hits the ground. and when he gets up in the air just use dark roll and go to the other side of the map that map you cant be hit. Overall this fight gave me pains but it worked well overall.
  11. just flick rush is the only multiplayer for this game
  12. sorry mate i beat ya too it already in the japanese version
  13. clear all special portals which i said how many there are in my previous post.
  14. for those interested in what it looks like and how it works: Also just to clarify there are over 45 secret portals but they feel like more since i think each sora/riku have their own 45? correct me if im wrong but yea it toooooooooooooook foreeeeeeeever to get them. but i guess it was worth it in the end
  15. Heres me showing off the menu(in japanese), but im showing the nicknames of my spirits(warning pokemon names coming):
  16. Balloonga isnt really a must have when fighting julius( I beat him without it), but it does help. you can get them from the moogle shop in traverse town if you rack up enough points from the flick rush.
  17. you actually dont need to beat the final boss to unlock julius on any mode. before fighting the final boss for sora, just head to traverse town and go to the water fountain district and you will encounter julius automatically. this applies for both riku/sora. Just remember he is one strong sucka. just get to the ending point of the game and you will get him
  18. Sora only has ars arcanum. Riku doesnt have any attacks like that. He just able to use his old dark moves like dark aura, dark firaga, etc. And actually from playing with riku his fighting style in this game is a combination of ventus, terra, aqua. many of his link style drives resemble them. as well as his commands like limit storm, aqua barrier, and some of ventus link style drive. those are just some examples. Sora is only left with some of ventus old command attacks and new magic just for show. nothing special.
  19. the only one i remember getting it from is from the deadREX and i think flowernyan. sorry if their names in english are different, but yea those two spirits will give you the exp walker
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