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Samantha Dominis

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Everything posted by Samantha Dominis

  1. In the guide in Riku's map of TWTNW on page 190, it says station of awakening. The one with YMX is called Sanctum of Time.
  2. 1. When YMX was showing Sora the points in time in DDD, he said Xigbar. I have the scene paused right when he mentions Xigbar's name. Sora: "Is that...?" YMX: "Yes. The point in time that Xigbar mentioned."
  3. They did a remake for the iphone. They should make TWEWY2 for the 3ds when it comes out because I really liked the dual screen/character control battle system, and the battle system worked with the idea that you had to fight the Noise in two planes of existence at once to defeat them.
  4. I had to do the grace period/early voting because I turned 18 about three weeks ago and I didn't know you could register to vote before you were 18 if your birthday was on or before the election day.
  5. And in walks Namine with a look of doom.
  6. Good luck. Driving is hard if you are a space cadet like I am.
  7. I am not sure. I want to see how the new star wars movie turns out, then I can decide whether star wars should be added to kingdom hearts.
  8. The first thing that popped into my head when I saw the topic was the line from Princess Bride "Have fun storming the castle!"
  9. It reminds me of slender man and marble hornets on youtube, but i don"t think that is what it is originally from.
  10. If you still have a saved file from when you finished Days once, I suggest maybe looking at roxas's diary. It probably help a little.
  11. I want it. I played Time and Sky, and I liked the storyline better than the main games. I have not played any of the other mystery dungeon games besides the two I mentioned.
  12. Here is the short edit from the original soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dThaK8pIIc And here is the long version. I hope they work or else you can find them on youtube.
  13. I just listened to the original version of Twister. Yes I did hear the guitar a little bit, but unfortunately I can't tell you what the notes were because I don't play the guitar and I don't have a very good ear for picking out specific notes. Sorry.
  14. Doesn't Xehanort still need a 13th dark heart, because he couldn't get Sora. Why doesn't he wait until Sora and co wake Ventus up and just pull Vanitas out?
  15. I liked them all about the same I don't really have a favorite.
  16. They were fun boss fights. Rinzler was my favorite. The monkey and the mantis were the easiest for me. There were a couple that i got through on my first try and others i probably only died maybe 4 at the most. They really were not overly hard.
  17. I love to read, I love epic stories, and kingdom hearts is an epic story.
  18. It could possibly be one of the new powers they get for unlocking the seven keyholes of sleep.
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