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Samantha Dominis

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Everything posted by Samantha Dominis

  1. I didn't watch it I just looked at the picture or whatever and thought, "That is just wrong".
  2. I don't think with Terra it was as much temptation as it was being tricked and misled. Yeah, he wanted to get stronger to protect his friends and prove to Master Eraqus that he had what it took to be a master. But he kept running into all the villeins in the different worlds, except for Disney Town, and he thought he was doing the right thing by helping them.
  3. So far I like Bleach and InuYasha. Those are the only two that I have read/watched.
  4. That is awesome that you were able to overcome that. I can kind of sympathize with you, because I was born two months early, I was really small and not fully developed, I have very mild cerebral palsy, I have ADD, and I am legally blind in my right eye. But I was able to overcome all that too, because I get straight A's in school, I am on a swim team, and I play the violin.
  5. That would be nice for Ventus to see both Terra and Aqua when he wakes up, but I think that the order they are saved in might be Aqua first, because she has to unlock castle oblivion, Ventus second, and then Terra last, because he is merged with Xahenort and Sora and Riku would need everyone's help to defeat Xahenort. (Yes, I know that was horrible sentence structure.)
  6. You seriously asked that question look at the manual or use common sense.
  7. No, not really because, one I don't have an account on youtube, two I don't know how to post videos and three, the only thing I will be thinking at that moment is, "OMG it is finally here need to play it right now!".
  8. I'm kind of shy but I almost always say, "Hi, I'm Sam. What's your name?"
  9. My mom told me maybe Jarrod or Mark she said she couldn't remember.
  10. I prefer English, but I don't mind Japanese if there are English subtitles and there isn't an English version of whatever I am playing or watching. After a while of listening to the voices and reading the subtitles, in my head, it sounds like the Japanese voice actors are speaking English instead of Japanese.
  11. The demo is awesome and the dream eaters are so freaking cute. I kinda wanted to play as Riku a little bit, but whatever, you get what you get.
  12. I play the violin and I sing. Violin is awesome.
  13. In the place on the map that is kind of lite up there is a pink dot and once sora stands over or near it a box will challenge link portal or something like that. dont go back to the home menu on your 3DS.
  14. I think Sora is more like Shiki and how she acted through most of the first week of the Reapers Game, all outgoing and optimistic. Sora is nothing, I repeat, nothing like Joshua. Joshua is just Joshua; I have no other way of describing besides snotty, arrogant, annoying, and devious.
  15. If it was a real mouse the size of Mickey I would be like " What the heck?", and my mom would scream and call dad. We did have mouse in our house ounce when I was in grade school. My sister and I nicknamed it Ratters, that was the name of Ron's mouse in Harry Potter.
  16. That was AWESOME!!! I love that song and the video itself fit really well with the music. You did a great job.
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