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Samantha Dominis

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Everything posted by Samantha Dominis

  1. I have flown a few times and I like the flying part. It is the security checks that stress me out for some reason. I think I feel like if I don't have everything I need out and where it's supposed to be I will get in trouble for it. I went to Germany with some of my classmates over spring break this year. It was awesome, but the worst thing was the jet lag because of the different time zones, especially after we went home.
  2. I don't dream very often and when I do I usually get confused and forget them quickly. Unless they are lucid dreams where I am interacting with the dream, then I might remember bits and pieces of the dream. I generally like those kinds of dreams.
  3. October 16 and I was supposed to be born in December or January, I think. I know I was born early.
  4. Oh ok that makes sense now. I have seen Jungle Book, but I was really young.
  5. The original fantasia and hunchback of notre dame. I do not know if it is a clssic disney movie but there was a reference to a wolf or something named mowgli in a book i read and a character said it was a reference to disney.
  6. That is messed up, and it reminds me of the TV show Burn Notice.
  7. I think that time travel is possible, but it will take an extremely long time even with the technology we have today. I think we would have a problem with it. 1. I have figured out that going into the past creates an infinite time loop. 2. There are other things like paradoxes and stuff. I figured out the infinite time loop thing from books I have read. The character meets someone from the future, later finds out it is them and eventually has to do the same thing in order to save the world or whatever it is they are saving.
  8. The movie was good by itself now that I think about it, but I saw it after i had read the book and I didn't like all the things they changed.
  9. I watch it, but i am behind a couple episodes. They are taped on the dvr.
  10. space paranoids was a copy of the grid I think it was either YMX or Xemnas who said it. It was in the cut scene "The Box's Contents."
  11. we had to put our oldest of our two dogs down because he was having seizures and at the end we think he had a stroke and he couldn't walk anymore. I went with my parents to the vet. I didn't cry very much when we put him down. I know how you feel. I also didn't cry much a my grandpa's funeral even though he, my sister and i were very close. So you're not strange or heartless it just probably didn't click until later, if you understand what I mean.
  12. I read it. I was thinking the infected people were some sort of zombie like things because I had watched the new movie Warm Bodies. But then I read the last line and I thought, "Oh, I get it now." I think this story is a neat theory.
  13. I remember YX saying something to the effect of he and the other 'norts could only stay in that time up to a certain point. Then they would be forced to return to their own time while forgetting all the things that had happened while they were time traveling.
  14. Yes I like to go to the movies, but we don't go very often. Movie popcorn is my favorite.
  15. I have noticed that at the end of every book series I have read where there has been a war of some sort, there has never been a completely happy ending. All of the main/good characters always come out of that war with a scar of some sort; be it psychological, physical, or both. And a lot of times that initial metaphorical scar will repeatedly heal and be torn open again, especially during the final battle. I think what I am trying to say is that the ending to kh3 will inevitably have a melancholy note to it inside of the happy part.
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