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Samantha Dominis

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Everything posted by Samantha Dominis

  1. I said this before with the thread about Kairi dying I'll just copy and paste it here. I seriously doubt that any of the main protagonists will die unless it is the end of the whole KH series, and even then there is a pretty slim chance it will happen especially to the main trio. The only times I have seen or read about a main character dying is when movie/book/tv show series is at the end. If you think about any series that you have finished the writer/author never kills off any of the main characters until the very end. I would give some examples but I'm afraid to spoil anything for anybody.
  2. I think you should apply for it. I'm in NHS, but for my school it was different.
  3. That was sad and beautiful and awesome.
  4. Welcome. Xion is my favorite character too.
  5. I seriously doubt that any of the main protagonists will die unless it is the end of the whole KH series, and even then there is a pretty slim chance it will happen especially to the main trio. The only times I have seen or read about a main character dying is when movie/book/tv show series is at the end. If you think about any series that you have finished the writer/author never kills off any of the main characters until the very end. I would give some examples but I'm afraid to spoil anything for anybody.
  6. cat (poeple are meowing outside my dorm room at 11pm)
  7. I have noticed that too, but I only noticed a difference in his voice when comparing cut scenes of different kh games. As a result I have contributed his voice changing to the time he recorded the cut scenes.
  8. Concerning DDD Yen Sid stated that they have no choice but to go along with MX's plan because if they don't MX will go after the princesses again to get what he needs.
  9. I have not tried to play a kh game one critical, so I would not know. But I am assuming it would be hard.
  10. He might not have known what being a nort entailed and figured it was a way to get closer to Xemnas.
  11. I have not finished it yet, but I enjoy it so far.
  12. They could also fight the heartless like in ff13-2 the soldiers would start shooting the monsters when they appeared.
  13. That sounded pretty cool. I liked it.
  14. I am going to cosplay as xion. I had my hair cut short for it too and it feels weird having short hair after it has been long for most of my life.
  15. rumpelstiltsin's laugh/giggle in once upon a time makes me want to strangle him and it is creepy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY-qFkgrRyw
  16. I usually play a game on easy to enjoy the story. Then if I really like the game I might go back and play it on a harder difficulty.
  17. I kind of like that they put the game on different consoles for the reason that it is the only way I would have gotten into the series. I understand where you all are coming from but I agree with Tails that KH3D should not be remade for the PS3 because it just would not work very well in terms of game play.
  18. Days is my favorite because it was the first Kingdom Hearts game I had played and I love the story.
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