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lynelle I

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Everything posted by lynelle I

  1. went for a hike today @ Lanikai pill box...fun!!

  2. wwent for a hike today @ Lanikila pill box...fun!!

  3. i dropped a blade on my toe...owwww

  4. yawns....needs something fun to do for the summer

    1. A mystery

      A mystery

      You should go to the beach:)

  5. yay! did a photo shoot yesterday and it was SO fun! cant wait until I do that for a living!!

  6. did a wonderful workout today hope to go for a hike tomorrow (:

  7. just came back from a nice run! now i hope i can fit into my new xs minidress

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lynelle I

      lynelle I

      yeah but i lost 2 lbs from this morning so im on a good track

    3. Koko


      thats water weight. you didnt lose anything. it's impossible to lose that much in a day :u

    4. lynelle I
  8. reading a pretty good book called tweakerville

  9. eating some birthday cake for breakfast! yum!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. lynelle I

      lynelle I

      yes it is super healthy go check out www.visalus.com

      then you will know what i'm talking about

    3. Koko


      i dont believe in fad products like that tho

      nothing beats actually eating clean and working out

    4. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      something i half fail at doing

      but i'm getting better

      my mom even noticed my willpower is better than hers

      she says my dieting is having positive effects on me

      so i'm like yay

  10. @ my room hearin my jamzz!! :)

  11. here in my room listening to music on my laptop

  12. came home from a great day! My sisters' pre-school graduation was today as well as mines...yay!! I have finished 8th grade and now I am headin' into High School! Great now I am @ the bottom of the food (social) chain again (:

  13. @ starbucks && listenin' to pandora :)

  14. yo yo yo Kapena! do u ever go on here?

  15. bored....sitting @ home on my floor just thinking.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lynelle I

      lynelle I

      alright then! im callin it night now good night everyone!! :)

    3. Lt Ultima
    4. lynelle I
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