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Everything posted by StarlightStorm

  1. This one comes to mind. The battle themes from Pokémon, Kingdom Hearts and the Mario RPGs are always good, too.
  2. Anti-Form is based on hidden anti-points. Every time you use Valor, Wisdom or Master form, the point goes up. I believe it gets much higher when you're fighting the organization. It's around 10 points or something for it to activate. Final form entirely resets the points, though.
  3. Subtle horrors with good atmosphere are the best ones. Games that rely too heavily on jump scares are cheap. The Silent Hill games up until 4 elicit some pretty good scares. The original Slender game, before it got overblown was simple, but effective. More recently ZombiU on the Wii U was pretty creepy, especially that Nursery area.
  4. I agree for the most part, there are tons of opportunities for new worlds based on Disney stories. Saying that, I would really like to see Halloween Town and the Pride Lands again. The original worlds like Radiant Garden are a given.
  5. Yeah.... No. Dating and romance has never been what Kingdom Hearts is about. The series foundation lies very strongly on friendship and it's importance-- that's a massive part of the appeal. The only canon ships you should see in the series are established ones from the Disney stories. Romance between KH characters would feel totally out of place. We have enough romance in media anyway, so KH is still a very refreshing series in that aspect.
  6. Gonna get the Wii U version. Looking forward to it. The previous games were awesome. I just really hope Sonic makes a return from Brawl.
  7. I was never a fan of at all. I would much rather see the return of Worlds like Halloween Town and The Pridelands.
  8. That just wouldn't fit. A little cameo from those series could work though since Disney owns them but worlds? Nope, that won't happen.
  9. Not for another year or two at least. Even then I wouldn't be surprised if it was delayed.
  10. I personally hate it, It's entirely unnecessary. I don't understand why Google feel the need to change things all the time without ever listening to their user feedback. It's looking more like a horrible social network now than a video sharing site.
  11. I want Sonic to come back as a playable character, along with Zoroark, Sora, and Amaterasu from Okami.
  12. Nope. I've seen gifs and stuff on tumblr, but I'd rather wait and watch them all in beautiful HD on my TV when the game comes out.
  13. I think having just the cutscenes like a movie is perfect. I wasn't a fan of the gameplay style in Days but I enjoyed the story a lot.
  14. It's great news. Now I'm just worried it might not get a release for Europe, since Square seems to hate us for some reason.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/user/SonicFanGirl2007?feature=mhee AMVs/GMVs
  16. I have it on PS3, it's brilliant. PSN is StarlightSonic if anyone is up for a race.
  17. Maybe at some point but where they heck are Spyro and Crash? They were two of the biggest mascots in Sony console history.
  18. An old one which I don't use, i'll be getting a PS3 instead soon. Not having to pay for online and KH HD game coming out for it? Yes please.
  19. I'm Ghost/Dark. Makes sense for a Halloween birthday. Also that pic was stolen from tumblr by memebase. Original is here: http://emboars.tumblr.com/post/33719147342
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