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Everything posted by pipexilee

  1. Nintendo never bets fot the graphics, Nintendo bets in IDEAS AND EXPERIENCE
  2. Hahaha, WiiU is a Wii with a tablet? Before anything, WiiU is the FIRST NEXT-GEN console WiiU is an AWESOME console, full of new ideas, not like Sony (same controller in PS1, PS2 and PS3) And, if you don't believe me WiiU will be better than PS3, ask to SEGA, Ubisoft, EA...
  3. hahaha, you have told exactly a sonyer have told xDD
  4. Uff.. I'd like KH3 is on WiiU although its release date is later!! A lot of developers had confirmed WiiU will be BETTER than PS3 and XBOX360 It would be AWESOME!!
  5. Sorry if you didn't understand me, I'm not speak perfect English because I'm not English u.u
  6. Yeah, and companies like SONY or S&E is KILLING videogames industry, doing their consoles are a MOBILE PHONE or selling games to MOBILES A console whit 3G? Damn it, IS A F*UCKING CONSOLE-.-
  7. You can tell me everything you want, but ANYTHING can tell worth buying PSHITa
  8. NO GAMES that's the reason PSHITa sucks
  9. That's the worst present your parents have bought you EVER Sorry for you, but I know you're gonna get over this GOOD LUCK
  10. Nah, I really think Sora is gonna save her but, of course, with Ansem the Wise's help
  11. That's it, WHERE (not when, why, etc.) futures KH will appear? Well, I think in Tokio Game Show 2012, Square Enix will say they are working in a new title of Kingdom Hearts (III maybe...). And in E3 2013 we'll can play a litle demo of it. What do you think?
  12. Yeah, I looked for it too but I didn't find it u.u
  13. I also think that: Sora won't be a Seven Light; I think Roxas will be one instead of him, and Lea and Kairi, of courseSo, I think they'll be: Roxas, Riku, Mickey, Ven, Aqua, Kairi, Lea against Master Xehanort, Young Master Xehanort, Braig, Isa, Xemnas, Ansem SoD, and 7 more who will be appear
  14. Yeah, look for on Youtube whick Dearly Beloved is?
  15. It can be your favourite boss for how difficult it was or just for it was EPIC o.o Well..., I think mine is Ansem SoD. In this game, he is very similar and different at the same time é_é What about you?
  16. LOOOOOL Sorry I'm Spanish and I didn't look that "least" Ah! My least favourite world, now my LEAST , is Wonderland (all KH series)
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