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About Michael

  • Birthday 09/30/1994

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  1. Happy one year on kh13^^

  2. Today is just another hot,boring day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Koko


      tho in all seriousness, it was rainy and shitty

      give me back my texas heat

    3. Michael


      Great to hear your perfect.

      ... I rather get rain instead of heat.


    4. Shana09


      I want dem derecho but it ran awai.

  3. 7.7 *glares at you*

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      Michael you derp this is a public stat i can join if i want .If you don't like it,don't post .FACT

    3. Koko


      also we're almost out of room in the comments

    4. Koko


      so i'm gonna end this by giving you a 'you tried' star

      dont forget, i'm perfect

  4. The nerves of idiots in this world -.-

  5. I am excited for the Story Line It seems really interesting and also the new abilities that Sora and Riku could use and Specially the Nightmares *-* They look so Epic and so tempting to fight or use them as a companion that would look so cute walking by your side like Wonder Meow ! *-*
  6. Michael

    sora in chibi

    Sora looks so Adorable ~ *-*
  7. Michael

    Pikachu Len And Rin

    Awww ~ So Kawaii
  8. Today is such a slow boring day to laze around

  9. The Song that i listen to is weather Touhou Bad Apple or any random Vocaloid song but then again I also here to Kingdom Hearts orchestra and my favorite one is Roxas theme
  10. Ohh ... Sorry for for that It sounds great and catchy but in youtube and some sites you could always see it in English subs That way you'll understand the anime more and the opening
  11. I recommend you guys to see this cute little squid girl anime Everything is just so random and adorable to see I won't say much so you guys have to watch this Here's the opening so if you think is weird then yes is Epic Enjoy Guys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sFp4tJR5jQ
  12. Welcome to the site and is a pleasure to meet you any time you could chat with me
  13. Welcome Axel Is a pleasure to have you here Pretty sure you'll have the idea you do in this site so feel free to talk to me and many others
  14. Smile and Laugh ! Knowing that in every moment,Your Enemies hates your every moments :D

  15. Yes. I can't forget about these cute little characters ... They remind me when i was little and watch them
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