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Everything posted by deplanet08

  1. my favorite character is Sora because he freakin took down ansem and xemnas 2 times so hes BADASS
  2. best world is the country of the musketeers and the grid worst atlantica and wonderland
  3. I really like the ventus nightmare armor fight and the xemnas fight
  4. I love Kingdom Hearts because it has a really good combat system and story. I got into the game when I heard kh3d is coming out and it looked interesting so I bought a ps2 and kh1 and 2. It was so fun so I watched walkthroughs for the other games. They were fun to watch also. So I decided to get more info on the game and my parents could'nt get me away from the computer but I don't care because it was fun to look at. Then, I found this website a few months ago and found a lot more info on all the games. So I signed up and everyday since I came on here to look up more info and was the best thing ever! 1 month before kh3d came out I could barely keep up with all the information and got even more excited for the game. It was a week before kh3d came out then and was about to pee my pants I decided to pre- order my copy on amazon.com because all the buzz about it made me worry that they would sell out. Finally, the day the game cam out I checked my mailbox every hour to see if it came yet and around 1:00 it came. I got my 3ds out right away (I only bought my 3ds for kh3d) and played on it non-stop that I did'nt eat for the rest of the day. Some questions still weren't answered but I figured that most of them would be answered in kh3. I also had some questions on the dreaming worlds and logic but it didn't have that big of an effect on the game. So the story was perfect, combat system great, and the worlds couldn't have been better. I can't wait for more information on the kingdom hearts series from you guys and keep up the great work.
  5. it is a lot better than anything I can draw but keep on trying and it will look even better
  6. from what ive seen in the english walkthrough so far the grid
  7. my life would be very boring and would not even have a ps2 now.
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