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Everything posted by Nouhous

  1. lol sorry, i was the one talking with him
  2. now that i have listen to this like 5 times...its ok
  3. this is disapointing it sounds like a fandub
  4. I dont know about that , but i will definitely try more games!
  5. Well i bought a 3ds only for kh3d, but i did buy super mario 3d land too and i gotta say.......holy shit! what a great game. I havent played mario in 12 years, and when i played 3d land i understood again why mario is so great. i played it like crazy and i got ALL he big stars haha
  6. Nice! I have not played it, i have only watched trailers and videos of other people playing it, and im sure im gonna get it someday
  7. Kid icarus looks interesting, but the controls are too awkward
  8. Nice! Mä pelasin bbs kokonaan läpi proud model, ja vedin myös last episodin ja secret episodin läpi , mut mysterious figure on iha mahdoton. Voin varoittaa jo et Recoded voi olla hieman tylsä.
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