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Everything posted by Nouhous

  1. Hey i made this, what do you think? Could this be a real tv spot ad? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In181B4rF_k
  2. what do you guys think?
  3. I had to sign in and ask....ARE YOU firetruckING KIDDING ME?!
  4. i hate capcom and i firetrucking hate capcom fanboys who defend this shit!.....but.....im still gonna get sf x t for the vita because it is a good game
  5. wtf! are you firetrucking kidding me? dont say things like that!
  6. I firetrucking hope so! KH,KH2,KH:RECOM,BIRTH BY SLEEP,358/2 DAYS and RECODED for the vita would be AWESOME!
  7. Is it a reminder for the retards who think you can ONLY play it in 2D or 3D?
  8. Why the hell does it say "playable in 2d and 3d" ON THE FRONT OF THE COVER for the NA version? thats just ugly....
  9. Oh shit your right! why didnt i think about th,,,,oh right 3ds is region locked
  10. FINALLY! Now all the vita needs is games , and a better web browser. There are some rumors that kingdom hearts colection will be comming to the vita, if thats true sony needs to say it at E3! they will sell lots of vitas with that collection, well atleast im gonna buy it
  11. Lol that would be kinda weird if thats their strategy YESS!
  12. Yes they release the game first on europe, but they wont offer The Mark Of Mastery Edition to us,Why?
  13. The voice acting sounded MUCH better now! When yen sid said "How" i lol'd
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