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About JailXun

  • Birthday 02/17/1995

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  • Member Title
    The Smith of Inasnity
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  1. (sry wasn't online for a time... and I totally lost track of what is going on D:>)
  2. A purple glow flashed and disappeared on 6's right eye. "Just as it was getting fun...." He divided his rifle until it was in it's original pieces and put it back in his suitcase. He leaned back and enjoyed the ride.
  3. "I got this" 6 said as he flipped back to the backseats. With a precise shoot of his rifle that had enough firepower to go through the humvee's window he managed to hit the driver directly between the eyes. "Bullseye." He whispered.
  4. Through the shadows Bryne moved way too fast that any opponent could hit him, but his attacks where not very precise. He sighed and joined Rex that was falling back. After he reached him he picked a stance where spikes came out of the shadow behind him, they where a bit taller than him and like the sting of a scorpion.
  5. Shadowfallen lied on the roof staring at the sky. "Alex should arrive soon." The assassin whispered.
  6. Julius looked at his boots, then on his shadow, he grinned. Like on rocket boots he was gliding on his shadow towards the enemy. With a quick swing of it he was able to injure two of them.
  7. 6 Ignored the waving person for a second. "Allright." He took his rifle and got to Shawn.
  8. 6's finger was twitching on the trigger as he saw the person waving at them from the corner of his eyes. -Good thing I recognized it's not someone of the military in time.- he thought. "Raiga, there's someone waving at us over there."
  9. "Sorry but that's a bit too weird for me, and I haven't even got any weapon... I hope you survive." Julius started running, for a smoker he had pretty much endurance. Suddely, as his fingers touched a shadow, he felt something strange, it was like his fingers going through water, and black shadow-like smoke was emerging from them. He nodded and concentrated. Slowly the shadows got drawn from their original source and formed a staff, and then a scythe in Bryne's hand. slowly he got back to his group. "Sorry I ran.... but things have changed a bit..."
  10. 6 reloaded his main rifle and gave Shawn's gun back. "Then you can have it in advance, I'm better of with mine anyways... just gotta increase my reloading speed." He jumped from the back seats right next to Raiga. "So.... where we are going?" he asked
  11. "I could ask the same..." Julius responded. "And why the hell haven't I got any weapon?" He shook his head trying to wake up from what he supposed to be a dream.
  12. Julius was still in the library. Now he nearly red every book about combat spells, but yet wasn't satisfied. Dustrain didn't learn spells the traditional way through practicing, his uncle taught him an old long forgotten technique, Julius wasn't sure if it was forbidden. He merely whispered the spiel to his wand after that the runes started to glow blue, then the light faded again.
  13. 6 nodded, pulled out the knife of the car's roof, and leaped over to Raiga's jeep. He held up Shawn's gun. "I hope it's ok if I keep that for now."
  14. Bryne shook his head again. "Where the bloody hell am I?" He looked around. -Coud I still be dreaming? I mean there was a lot of stuff to study... maybe I just fell asleep again.- he thought.
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