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Everything posted by FMKingdomHearts

  1. Thanks I've been waiting for an answer thank you
  2. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad I feel soory for the little girl
  3. Hi my names Devanne

    1. keyblademaster29


      Hi my name is Andrew

    2. FMKingdomHearts


      Hi its nice to meet you andrew


  4. "Wait hold on what is this place?" Lunasol stopped not even paying attention to Hana the rustling coming out again. "Why does this place look familiar." A creature came out from the shadow of the tree making everyone jump.Lunasol turned out and for the first time ever since the stranger gave it to her the keyblade it appeared in hand. She put it up to defend herself sheilding her eyes from the enemy.
  5. "That would not be wise" the words just slipped out. Lunasol putting her hand to her mouth,"I don't know what came over me this usually doesn't happen.But an..ny way we need to get moving we can't just stay here." This was strange nothing like this had happened before but she couldn't worry a bout it now so she trailed on forward not even noticing if Suki and Hana were following behind her
  6. "Umm... good job guys."Lunasol stuttered out. They were more than good they were amazing at fighting. Faster and faster the time ran out to get to the next stage. Until suddenly they reached a door completely white. However the door was locked but that was no problem being a keyblade wielder and together they unlocked the door safely escaping Master Xion. As soon as the door was open enough Lunasol fell inside stumbling into her partners. "I'm sorry it just that...that was really close. How did you learn to fight like that?"
  7. "So we're finally here...riiight"Lunasol began to think as her own shyness began to take over. She had never been with another hero of the keyblade and honestly didn't know to act around them.Yet they were here her partners so she had no room to distrust them yet their slightly opposite personalities were over-whelming her spirit. "So where to now?"she turned toward Hana and Suki.
  8. Hi its nice to meet you which means more fun
  9. Name Lunasol Age 16 Gender Female Personality shy yet commited Appearance Blonde hair sky blue eyes Bio Never knew where she came from just woke up and was given a name and a purpose (the keyblade)favorite food sweet potato fries Keyblade (well I'm hoping this counts fake ones unless this is real) Moonlight (two moons facing each other silver the whole way) theme song:still doll battle theme:shostakovich's syphony number 5 Blue 9
  10. Is the same voice actor doing sora or is it someone else it just sounded ..... interesting but I dtill love you Sora and Kingdom Hearts
  11. Sad why (spoiler?)I don't know a lot a bout reverse rebirth but in the end of chain of memories I saw in the cutscenes during the credits axel holding out his hand to him. So he dies after that
  12. At the end where does he go is there any news on that
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