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Everything posted by 84X

  1. 84X

    Farewell KH13

    Going to sound like a jerk here but you really didn't need to announce your departure, everyone hates unneeded drama.
  2. You just posted this in the other topic, but I guess it does warrant it's own anyways. Carry on.
  3. Right after I post of course... wow....
  4. BBSv2 won't be made until after KH: Princess Adventures, so any discussion is pretty irrelevant.
  5. I have a fair collection of figures from various games, such as the Play Arts KH1 Sora and Riku figures.
  6. Square Enix NA is obviously more focused on it's seemingly more important project, Theatrythm Final Fantasy. I wish I was joking...
  7. Nintendo consoles always sell the best either way, so I'm sure they couldn't care less. Well besides PS2 but yeah...
  8. People still consider the Xbox 360 to be a console?
  9. It's nice to hear that a new one is in the works, but I doubt we'll get it until after Xillia is localized (if ever).
  10. Kingdom Hearts 2: Sons of Liberty It just sort of came to me....
  11. Like turtles? I LOVE THEM!

  12. End of KH3: Sora: Uh Kairi... I have this papau fruit and I was wondering if you... Kairi: OH YES, OH GOD YES!!! Sora: Great! I wasn't sure if it was good enough for Riku, thanks Kairi... you're a great friend!
  13. Merci. I'm not really coherent in the french language though, the Canadian education system just taught me the basics.
  14. Why not just make Lightning the main character while we're at it?
  15. I'm going to try to get the soundtrack, since I really do want to get it. The only reason I might hold back is having to order it online, it's not really as much a problem as it is a nuisance.
  16. Thanks for all the welcomes everyone, at this point I'm not sure whether or not to be happy or scared. I'll try to keep my activity level at a steady level, but there's been more or less a tragedy in my family so I won't be making 100 posts a day.
  17. Yes, that title took all my mental capability to come up with. This topic is obviously going to be as generic as it gets so bear with me. Right well, if it wasn't obvious I just joined. I've been stalking this site for quite some time and decided I should try to contribute in some way. Anyways, here is a small description of myself: -Male -Likes: Kingdom Hearts, "Tales of" series, other things... I guess that about does it, I should probably point out I'm a pretty cynical and sarcastic person. You'll eventually grow to love me or murder me in my sleep, the fun part is seeing how long it takes. Link Terminated~
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