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Everything posted by Aziz

  1. Aziz

    tournament RP

    He looked at her, his eye's slightly widened, his smile returned. He didn't know why, but he felt rather, comfortable around her, as if she was his happy place, instead of the darkness that he dwells in when he's alone. His hand felt warm , realizing that she had grabbed it, he didn't really mind at all, since Haruhi is the only person to have ever done it. He looked back into her eye's, his scarf that he was wearing shrank slightly, the darkness made into the scarf becoming slightly smaller.
  2. Aziz

    tournament RP

    He smiled, seeing her happy as always. "I just don't wan't you letting your family down, alright..?" he slightly frowned. "I wish you luck on your fight..." He took one good look into her eye's, then slowly walked off. The Darkness slowly flowed through the bracelet, the tremendous power that she now possessed will be able to help her in her fights. As he slowly walked away, a tear could be seen falling down his cheek, hitting the round and implanting a dark mark on the ground. why am I crying....
  3. Aziz

    Over Soul

    He smiled, "Have a goodnight~" he hung up his phone, all excited and happy. He layed in his bed, and next thing he knew, he was passed out, his smile still attached to his face. A pigeon flew back to the man in white, then the man smiled. "So, all we need is someone to follow.." He sighed, slowly walking away with his cane.
  4. Aziz

    tournament RP

    He looked at her, then slightly smiled. "Would I have caught you at all when you fell if I didn't trust or know you..?" he giggled to himself, then continued holding the Darkness Bracelet. "If you feel as if your in trouble of losing control, I'll keep the darkness calm for you." he smiled.
  5. Aziz

    Over Soul

    Chase smiled, "3 would be fine.~ Just call me in the morning and let me know where you want to go, alright.?" he looked at all his materials, then got tomorrows clothes ready, all while still on the phone.
  6. Aziz

    tournament RP

    Ragnarok smiled at her, starring into her eye's. "With a little practice, i'm sure you could catch someone before they fell." He held out his palm, then a wristband-like band formed from his darkness. "Here, this should help you any one situation where you think your in trouble." He extended his hand, handing it to her. "You can control this darkness for as long as you need it, just be careful... this much darkness in a concentrated form can be.... fatal.... to the enemies of the user..." He looked down on his words, for he knew what he ment, lenting his power to his friend, who eventually went insane and killed his foster parents for more power.
  7. Aziz

    Over Soul

    Chase looked at the Calender, then giggled a little. "Im free tomorrow anytime. Just call me again when you wan't to meet up with me, alright..?" He smiled, feeling useful. He felt the beginning of a long friendship between him and her, even Matryx and anyone else he would talk to.
  8. Aziz

    tournament RP

    He smiled, seeing the cheerful smile and spirit. "Your very welcome.~" his tone was slightly lighter, as if he was someone else. "It is only my instinct to catch the people I admire, or the people that run into me. I'm glad you didn't get hurt." he forgot her was holding her wrist, then slowly let her wrist go. His eye's where soft, as if his defense was lowered.
  9. Aziz

    Over Soul

    He smiled, happy to hear from someone. "Hey! What is it you need help with.?" He was very eager to help out, hoping to make someone pass the grade and continue on.
  10. Aziz

    tournament RP

    "Gah!" He grabbed her wrist before she fell to the floor. "Hey, watch where... Haruhi..?" he looked at her, surprised she was around an empty hallway.
  11. Aziz

    Over Soul

    Chase was in the middle of looking through his phone, when he see's a random person calling. "Huh?" He answered. "Hello? This is Chase." he smiled, hoping someone would be at the other end of the line, and it not be a prank call.
  12. Aziz

    tournament RP

    Ragnarok walked around, his hands in his pockets and his head down. He didn't like being alone, for it was like a murderous silence, killing him slowly. "Is it me.. or do I feel like i'm feeling.... alone...." He opened his eye's, as they where closed to begin with, staring at the ground. "Feelings... I havent had feelings.... since i'd met that girl... Haruhi..." He looked up, then slightly squinted his eye's, "I hope she's doing alright.." He thought for a moment, then looked ahead of him. "What did I just say..?" He looked confused by his words, but then shook his head. She probably see's me as another enemy, only being friendly to hide it...." he choked on his words. "But.... thats not what I really think.." he slightly smiled, continuing to walk forward.
  13. Aziz

    Over Soul

    Chase was at home, sitting in his room, reading a book. As he was reading, he got text messages on his phone, but no calls, which kind of made him feel... worthless. "So much for being a tutor..." he sighed in disappointment. After he was done reading some of his book, he layed it down with his bookmark, which then, he just layed there, not sleepy at all, looking through his phone.
  14. Aziz

    tournament RP

    He stood up, "See ya around." he waved bye to her, then looked into the ring. He closed his eye's, just standing there. "The possibilities... they seem endless..... ive been through many people before...ive fought and slaughtered....i've never had any great intent within me, yet.... that girl.... its as if her personality draws my innerself out, letting me.....relax..." His inner thoughts where deep, just standing there, the darkness taking him to his dorm.
  15. Sora grinned, then lifted his Keyblade into the air. "Stopaga!!" An orb surrounded the four, then Sora sat down, disappearing. "Fight yourselves until I see some good o'l unlocking potential, and dont worry guy's, the time around you has slowed tremendously, allowing the inside time, say a minute, now is a month in here. Have fun!" The shadows of the three formed, and the chambers seperated, that way, they could fight only there own shadow. Zaiz faces his Shadow, then draws his blade. "Lets go." His shadowself copied his stance, and he began his fight.
  16. Aziz

    tournament RP

    He rubbed her head, "Hey now, it's alright. Just stay back there if you feel safer, rather than out where you can get shot in the throat, alright?" he smiled, looking at her, seeing how red she became.
  17. Aziz


    there was a ton of white, making it hard to decifer whether or not which ribbon was which. Shenji and Tetsuza had been fighting for what seemed like days, and Shenji was doing better than how Ichigo did. As the fight carried on, Tetsuza called a time out. "Time." Tetsuza called out, smiling. "Huh? Why?" Shenji seemed confused. "Your not gonna unlock your Bankai by doing this. You need to be pushed beyond your potential." She smiled, disappearing. "But what about Shikai!?" He yelled in confusion. "Look in your hand.." she whispered, disappearing. Shenji looked into his hand, seeing his Zanpakuto had transformed into it's Shikai form. The cave became normal again, and Shenji wandered out of the cave, sheathing his sword away. "Looks like I have to find my way out of here." He wandered through Hueco Mondo, the sand blowing in the wind.
  18. Aziz

    tournament RP

    "Do you feel safer behind me..?" Ragnarok smiled at her, seeing she is still behind him, not really minding it though.
  19. Sora jumped up, "Alright! Now we can begin training, and I know just the thing! Follow me guys!" he ran off into the water, where the water was about knee high. He stood there within the water, waiting. Zaiz walked into the water, meeting Sora face to face, but a few feet from each other. The water felt cool, and the breeze was light, "What are we doing for the training." He asked, calm and cool.
  20. Aziz


    Red was surrounded by white ribbons. Ichigo walked in front of her, "This is where you can find your spirit ribbon, but the way I've changed it for you in this moment, is that your Zanpakuto's Spirit is involved as well. Your ribbon is Red, like all spirit reapers, but your Zanpakuto's ribbon, is blue. Concentrate, and find the blue ribbon." Ichigo left the are, leaving it up to her to find her ribbon.
  21. Zaiz shook his head, "No, I'm not the Master, he is." Pointing at Sora, "but It's a pleasure. I'm Zaiz." He introduced himself. Sora smiled, seeing two of three apprentices. "I wonder where the third one could be.." Sora asked himself in a whisper. Zaxiz looked at the Insane man, then to the man with the crystal ball, then to himself. Since he had half a heart, he could feel about half the emotion, and that is what made him somewhat different. He looked back to Jailxun, who was sitting there, speaking to Xtryone, and sometimes himself. The silence Zaxiz emitted continued on, him not saying a word.
  22. Aziz

    tournament RP

    Ragnarok smiled, "Your fine. I could understand that there are some reason's we are scared of things." he looked up into the sky, then to Haruhi's eye's, letting her know that he showed no harm.
  23. Zaiz surfed on his Keyblade Glider on the water's of Destiny Islands. "This is where he will be." Zaiz surfed all the way to the front of the Island, seeing the one person standing there, his arms folded, and his figure proud, Sora. He dispatched his armor, and his keyblade Glider returned to his blade. He walked on the water, thanks to his high magic capability. Sora stood there, seeing the young Keyblade Weilder surf on in. "You must be a pupil of mine, if thats why your here." Sora smiled, extending his hand to Zaiz. "Hope we can get along." Zaxiz walked through the entrance into the meeting room, seeing Jailxun in his chair already. He sat in his seat, his hood was never of at all, since he liked keeping his face hidden. He was the only one who could use a Keyblade, though he didn't like to admit it. Seth was walking through a Forest, not able to tell where he was. "Darn.. it seems lost.." His sword was able to amplify magic, changing the form, element, and power of the sword, which gave him the upperhand in certain battles. He continued to wonder, until he could find a sign of any civilization.
  24. Character Sheet for Pupils: Name: Zaiz Age: 17 Gender: Male Keyblade: Azure Rize Master: Sora Personality: Kind, calm Appearance: http://axizz.deviantart.com/#/d574zzp Bio: none to this moment... Character Sheet for Keyblade Hunters Name: Seth Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon: Sword Personality: Calm, determined, yet can be nice. Appearance: http://axizz.deviantart.com/#/d574zzp Bio: No info at this moment Character Sheet for Eternal Nine Name: Zaxiz Somebody Name: Zaiz Age: ??? Gender: Male Weapon: Falling Vermillion Ability: Strongest of all nobodies Appearance: Zaiz's face, greyish-black hair, cloak. Bio: none to this moment. I'll be Sora, if anyone is interested. Zaiz
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