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Everything posted by Aziz

  1. Ress didnt answer at first, just stood there. "Past problems.." It was all he said, or in this case, was all he needed to say. He stood there, then walked over and sat down in front of Amelia, staring at the ground in front of him, almost as if he was looking at something. "Keep.." he pointed at the cloak she was using to wrap herself up, still starring at the floor.
  2. He finished his single armed pull-ups, then looked at her. "Not until you heal.." Ress looked at her, then punched a wall, pulling out another gun. "Use this... better than Cross bow..." He tossed it to her, it landing on the cloak in her lap.
  3. "To change...Amelia..." He told her. What he said practically didnt make sense at first, but he continued. "To change...the future that this mad world..... is being led to...with our madness.." He looked over to her, his eye's where full of determination, as if he was ready to leave, but he stood there, waiting. He then grabbed the bar above him, doing one-armed pull-ups.
  4. He punched the ground, flipping to his feet, stretching his arms out and popping his neck. "So am I.." he looked at her, gently patting her head as he knelt down to her. "This is my home... and Im going to hunt... how I've taught myself to..." he looked out the window of the house, pulling out his pistol and grabbing a walking by person through it. The man was in so much shock he didnt even scream, "Money..." Ress spoke to the man. The man gave up his wallet, which didnt have anything in it. Ress slowly set the man outside, letting him go.
  5. He looked at her, handing her water as well. "your welcome.. and yes.. im fine.." he took a wet rag, then wiped his hands down, making them clean again. He puts his gloves back on, then stands up, walking over to the punching back on the wall, and began punching at it. The force literaly shook the house, every punch stronger than the last. After that, he began doing one armed push-ups.
  6. Ress nodded handing her some bread. "not much.. but all I have.." his arm was wrapped up, some blood stains from the throwing knives. He also had blood on his hand, though it was dry, it wasnt his, but actually Amelia's blood from her wound. "Use your arms.. dont move your waist.."
  7. He looked at her, his face just a slight less mean looking. "Yes.." he answered her. "Don't move.. You'll re-open the wounds.." he said with concern, but his low tone made it hard to tell. He took a wet, warm rag, then put it on Amelia's forehead, giving a warm relaxing feeling. "Why did you do it.." he asked her, in a more curious way.
  8. Ress covered Amelia's wounds, stopping the bleeding. He picks her up carefully, to not make her wounds worse, then see's the gun and knife on the floor. He kicked both the knife and gun into a sewer filter, watching them fall into the darkness of no return. He covered Amelia with his cloak, showing his full blown being, but he didnt care at the moment. He sets her body down inside an abandoned home, blood splatters marked of age where still there on the walls, the skulls of his parents and the doctors where trophies, hanging from the ceiling. He wrapped her side up with medicine and bandages, hoping that she would get better soon.
  9. Ress did a Right Jab to the mans face, sending him flying a few feet and out of the alley. Taking the knives out of his arm and shoulder, he slowly helped Amelia as well, taking the knives out of her and covering her wounds.
  10. Ress couldnt believe what she did for him, and in return, he did something he normaly didnt do, he stepped into the path of the knives and bullets and began blocking the knives and cutting the bullets. He fired another shot, except this time, it went inside the mans second pistol barrel, effectively destroying the firing pin and the slide, as well as the bullet going and cutting the man's shoulder. Some throwing knives hit him, but due to the injection, most of his nerves have been killed.
  11. Ress slowly turned, revealing his sword, which cut the bullet in half, securing the fact that if he didnt, and just dodged, it would have hit Amelia. "Stop..." Ress spoke, blocking the throwing knives with his blade.
  12. His cheek slightly bled, the bullet had scratched him. Ress turned to the man with the revolver, starring very angrily at him. He shot his gun without warning, the bullet striking the barrel of the revolver, making it useless, then he turned back around, putting his gun away and walking forward.
  13. Even though he had upset her, he spoke in his bold tone, the one tone he had to live with until he died. "Ress.." Knowing she probably didn't hear him, he walked in her direction, since it was where he was walking anyway. Ress saw some guy, laughing slightly and giggling to himself, but it didnt bother him, he just walked forward, only to stop at the odd voice that had just spoken to him. Ress looked around for a second, then began to walk off again, looking forward.
  14. He looked behind him, seeing Amelia. Ress turned to her, just staring at her, not saying a word. He pointed with his arm, giving her the acknowledge of 'Go away', since he was never really a big talker. His yellow eye's starred into hers, hoping she would see he was serious.
  15. Ress walked through the crowd and out the other end, looking around. He looked at his pistol, then put it away, looking into the Alley in front of him, slowly walking into it. "Bad.." he graded himself on his performance, not acquiring his prey. He continued on, leaving behind no traces of him behind.
  16. As Ress came to a stop, he see's tons of people walking around, hearing a girl running for him. The last thing he needed was to be a persons prey, in which he gave up his search, and slowly walked into the crowd, blending in.
  17. He kicked through the wall, killing two people who where behind it. His crazy smile only became crazier, as he began running in the Direction she was running, knocking over and even cutting people in half with his Custom Made sword, Split Helm. As he charged after her, he see's her in the distance, making him run faster, and stronger, nearly catching up.
  18. He see's her running for the door, which only made him happy, since he loved to see his prey run. He shot the debris in the old building at the entrance, causing it to collapse before she reached the exit. With smoke and dust everywhere, he slowly walked torward his trapped prey.
  19. He looked at her with an emotionless and Fearless stare, in which almost seemed intimidating. With a split second, he fired his gun, hitting the barrel of the shotgun, making it recoil up, letting him charge in, punching her in the gut and sending her flying into a wall, but not through it. He slowly walked to her, kicking the shotgun away from her and standing over her.
  20. After walking for a certain distance, he see's a girl run into an abandoned building. "....." he looked around, then kicked down the door she entered through. He slowly walked in looking for some blood to spill.
  21. Ress traveled through the Deserted streets, people all huddled up and homeless, others wearing dragged clothes and brass knuckles. One man walked up to Ress, trying to mug him with a pistol. "Gimme yo money." Grabbing the gun with an iron grip, nearly crushing the slide into the chamber. "Move..." Ress spoke in a low vulgar tone, his yellow eye's seemed to nearly glow. The man tried punching Ress, in the face, but ended up breaking his fingers in the brass knuckles, leaving Ress a mark on his face. Ress punched the man in the mouth, breaking most of his teeth. He throws the man to the ground and continued walking.
  22. Name- Ress Terance Age- 17 (Looks 23) Appearance- http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/2/21980/855558-holyordersol.gif Gender- Male Weapon- MaelStorm (Sword in pic) Bio- After seeing many deaths before him in a short time, the emotion could not be held, and he went into an outrageous burst, enabling his body and him himself to not only increase his adaptation by multiples of 10, but has become stronger than even the strongest being. His limiter, or his ability to hold back, conceals this power within him, until needed. Personality- Quiet and enraged, will kill anyone in his way. Theme (optional)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vart2HBb_1M Sad theme- Battle theme- Maddest~
  23. Aziz

    Your Story RP

    As vampires and wolves seemed dead everywhere, Kojuro kicks the main Door down, seeing a fat Vampire, drinking another humans blood. "HWHAT ISH ITH YOU YANT!?" but before he finished the sentence, his sword was through the beasts belly. "You have ten seconds to tell me where the sacred Dragon is, otherwise, i'll rip you open." "HWAITH!! IFTH I DIE, THPLLEN NO ONNNNE CAN FFFPPLLLLIND THE DRAGON!!!" the fat vampire was in fear, afraid of the look inside Kojuro's eye's, and the sword inside him. One human shouted out, "OVER THE MOUNTAINS!! A FORSAKEN CITY WITHIN DARKNESS!!!" The vampire roared, but died shortly afterwords, kojuro cutting his belly open and leaving, wiping the blood from his blade. "Looks like I have a lead." As he put his cloak back on, he walked out the main building, seeing the mountains the background. He began running, swiftly moving through the crowds of people, when some vampires decided to jump out of nowhere, forcing him to draw his sword, and fight in a crowded street.
  24. Aziz

    Over Soul

    1: This isnt Kingdom Hearts.2: No controlling Characters I advise you fix this, now.
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