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Everything posted by Satanichild

  1. why would koko have a boner for this tread?
  2. don't worry, you don't look like a prick.I know i'm a statistic improbability I mean: i'm a gay satanist that's with a guy named jesus, listens to heavy metal and lives in a place with such a scary name. I mean death valey, i'd be pissing my pants if i didn't live here anyway, thank you all for your messages
  3. You bastard, you had sex with my fiance? lol It was the first thing i said because stuff happens.And yes, i'm a satanist because satan was "banished" because he gave humans knowledge, and i'm gay, because... well because i'm gay, and yes, i'm geting married, and yes i do see the irony in my fiance's name being jesus, actually, when we started going out, my best friend peed herself from laughing so hard at the irony and no, i don't know kony
  4. OMS OMS OMS!! My boyfriend Jesus just proposed!!! And his mom gave her blessing. I thought she would be all pissed of her son is marrying a dude since she is one of those mexican super religious women, but she's okay with it. Satan thank you!!
  5. Hi, i'm satanichild, i'm 24, and i'm from death valey As you can tell by my username, i'm satanic (not a child though). I hope that I can get along with everybody here.
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