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Aqua Keyblade

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Everything posted by Aqua Keyblade

  1. Aqua Keyblade

    kingdom hearts 2 sora

    i made it for 1 hour
  2. Finally i can play piano kh bbs opening!!!!!

    1. 143436611Xxcc


      AWESOME! I can play the beginning of Ventus`s theme!


      "Dunnn, DUN, da daaa, da, dum dum dum dum, DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DAAAAA!!


      thats it.

  3. i had color this picture
  4. hei!!!!! i don't know how to take a picture on my "about me" please tell me how to do it

    1. KinataKeyblade


      Easy just copy and paste ut


  5. WellcomE to my PROFILE !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Aqua Keyblade

    Neku in chibi

    my real drawing hand
  7. Aqua Keyblade

    aqua in chibi

    my real drawing hand
  8. Aqua Keyblade

    kairi in chibi

    my real drawing hand
  9. Aqua Keyblade

    riku in chibi

    my real drawing hand
  10. Aqua Keyblade

    shiki in chibi

    my real drawing hand
  11. Aqua Keyblade

    sora in chibi

    my real drawing hand
  12. Aqua Keyblade


  13. welcom to my profile

  14. hello all !!!!!!!!!!!!! my original name is Sherina Lie i first like kingdom hearts since i was age 6 and now i class 7 i live in Jakarta, Indonesia so i ca't speak English perfectly are you have shotclock command in kh bbs??? tell me what do you have and why you get it i onlu have 10 i have lightbloom !!! The ultimate shotclock . Perforn a series of graceful spin as you fire blasts of light in all direction.

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      Welcome to the site. You should make an introduction thread, introducing yourself to everyone.

  15. hello........ i heard why this webside be formed hahahaha i like it xD~~~~

  16. hello........ i heard why this webside be formed hahahaha i like it xD~~~~

  17. hahhahaha me and kinatakeyblade is be free by study for 2 month

  18. hahhahaha me and kinatakeyblade is be free by study for 2 month

  19. hahhahaha me and kinatakeyblade is be free by study for 2 month

  20. aqua is not figting with terra but figting with terranort
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