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Aqua Keyblade

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Everything posted by Aqua Keyblade

  1. i don't know what should i do ..

  2. i starting to draw Kingdom Hearts again (maybe should i?)

  3. i hate you so much ( copy from roxas saying in kh2)

  4. i still love kh even i never play kh again .... now i love rune factory

  5. Pokemon XY !!! I've waiting for you!! hehehe

  6. long time no see.... kh13..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kirie


      Weeeeelllllccccommme!!! :D

    3. Weiss


      I remember you! :D

      Welcome back! :)

    4. Skai


      Welcome back!

  7. think of her ( Hikari XIII)... why she told herself so stupid ?

    1. Col.Random
    2. Aqua Keyblade

      Aqua Keyblade

      she told herself ... didn;t you know... check on her forum if you wanna know

  8. 2013... 13 = roxas , XIII = FInal fantasy xD I LIKE FINAL FANTASY XIII and roxas number 13

  9. i can't wait for "Ligtning Returns : Final Fantasy XIII"

  10. being crazy of kingdom hearts that i dissmis my pokemon

    1. Shana09


      being crazy of pokemon that i dissmis my kingdom hearts

    2. teh lazy prince Xylek
  11. who is the name jana particia arevalo in this forum?

  12. 1 song make my mobile gb full ....

  13. 1 song make my mobile gb full ....

  14. today is about to start my comic "kingdom destiny"

  15. roxas have hearts ... he can fell it even he is sora's nobody

  16. i very like real music passion that i place music on my forum xD

  17. i just get 5 likes ... poor me >>><<<<

  18. why !!! why !!! why kinatakeyblade !!!!

  19. i can't think if sora is the organization 13

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aqua Keyblade

      Aqua Keyblade

      did you play kh 3d sora almost to be organization 13 xD because axel !! xD XD

    3. Cricket
    4. King Riku

      King Riku

      I can hardly understand you...

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