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Roxan nudge

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Everything posted by Roxan nudge

  1. I just was thinking about how Sora and Kairi like each other but I was like what about BBS couples
  2. I know what your thinking WTH is this girl talking about but it was a real magazine I saw
  3. Well I looked at a Japanese magazine the other day and it said psp and ps3 and that was the only thing in English
  4. Wow a lot of u guys hate Terra but why I'm not saying I like him but WHY?! I mean he wasn't my favorite at ALL in the series
  5. Yep I'm guessing because they did it with chain of memories and there remaking BBS on the ps3
  6. Do u think tht Aqua and Terra would be a good couple?
  7. When Roxas was wearing those clothes in twilight town the checkers on his jacket and rings mean darkness and light
  8. Well in the second fight Axel got really pissed off and started fighting Roxas and saying "BURN BABY!!!" which was really to me
  9. Well I wouldn't put it in Disney channel it would be on something like crunchyroll or something
  10. Laxrene her laugh is just annoying what a second everything about her is annoying and also Saix he's a dooshbag
  11. Well in my opinion I think its not fair because Roxas forgot about Xion but in DDD Roxas talks to Xion and Sora too
  12. Wow people r already helping me . This website is awesome!!
  13. I luv this website already because u can post topics I luv making new things happen in kingdom hearts with my imagination it's fun this website helps me get other people opinion about
  14. I know there doing RE:358/2 days but I don't know about the Final Mix
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