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Roxan nudge

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Everything posted by Roxan nudge

  1. That's a pretty good question. Actually she can if you think about it. Sora and Namine are connected in a way. So she can however I guess she chooses not to you use it. Or it's only and Xion can use it.
  2. Not too long ago I found out Kingdom Hearts III might be on the Xbox One. As most hardcore KH fans, such as myself know that all KH games were either on the PS2,gameboy Advance SP,DS,PSP,and the 3DS. Also counting the PS3. But what is your honest opinion? Do you think the Xbox One will get greater sales because of KH III?
  3. I have RE:coded for my DS but I used to have it for my gameboy. You can say it's useless but some people wanted to play it on their DS .
  4. I'm freaking out on my Tumblr there's this Ventus RP. And I have a crush on him

  5. I beat Riku.....once and I played KH many times.
  6. most likely the reason is because KH wasn't just on the playstation. Such as the 3DS,gameboy,DS that's what I think. But others games such as Devil May Cry was for the PS2,Xbox,and PS3 so yeah.
  7. I really REALLY hate the ending of Aqua's story also Ven's. it makes me mad also sad.
  8. I would like that too but he couldn't. Long story why.
  9. Honestly I don't want to see more sexual well....that will ruin the series. Violent because well it bring more drama. I've already seen all those fan made photos.......which I like.....SOME OF THEM.
  10. If you ever read the 358/2 Days manga or played the game then you'll know. Marluxia was helping Roxas during mission. This was BEFORE Marluxia went to the castle Oblivion. That's why Roxas fell asleep for 14 days because Sora was awake.
  11. in BBS Ventus is 16 Aqua is at least 18 and Terra is 19 in my order.
  12. Sora would remain sleeping if he lost.....xion would still be alive because Roxas would be gone. Then Xemnas would have gotten Kingdom Hearts most likely. But we all know that the good guys win in games like these! :rolleyes:
  13. Terra is consumed by darkness . Aqua is stuck in eternal darkness because she was pulling a Derpy Hooves and tried to save Terra. Ventus' heart went to sleep and bonded into Sora's. Most likely Ventus' heart will wake up.Sora will somehow get Aqua out of eternal darkness and Terra we'll see about that. Anyhow people don't die in Kingdom Hearts. They get consumed by darkness or lose their heart. They have a afterlife. Which are nobodies. You can they are "dead" but aren't really.
  14. I preorder the PS4! I'm getting GTAV and KHIII I've been waiting for soooo long!!! -fan girl screams-
  15. M'kay I'm pumped for the PS4 plus I just got the last of us!!!

    1. TheFelineFive


      I'm super excited too!!

  16. Ever since I preorder the PS4 I was playing all my KH games (I have all of them even RE:CoM and RE:Coded). I found all the secret endings and cried a little. Anyway, but I didn't really know to expect of KH III. I know it's going to be full of surprises and epic fights. I watched the trailer a couple of times and try to think of some things that would happen. So I want to hear other opinions. What are you expecting?
  17. I hate being a teenager honestly. You're worried about being judged,how you look,what you say etc. But I love my childhood. What was your favorite thing to do in your childhood?!
  18. Things not being even. Old books. Not be loved Being small places Etc. I have much more
  19. I was playing 1.5 REMIX for the forth time and I got aa text from my friend with the link. I pressed it it brought me to YouTube and it said Kingdom Hearts 3 E3 Trailer or something like that. I cried and the next week I preordered the PS4! What was your first reaction when you saw the KH III trailer?!!?!?!?
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...........of course I would silly!!
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