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Everything posted by KinataKeyblade

  1. It would be so interesting if they go to disney!!!!and in there they make chaos!!! (i am so evil)
  2. i never knew Surfing is so dificult! i fell of my board 11 times!! only stands 3 times and 10 seconds or maybe even Less!

    1. KeybladeWielder_


      It's really difficult!

    2. KinataKeyblade
    3. KeybladeWielder_


      I'm completely terrible. I gave up after falling for the 50th time... =P

  3. Yo Rikku i need to chat ya next saturday.

  4. okay on the next story X3 ROXAS POV "Hey Roxas Were here!" Shouting at me "YEah yeah ....'' i said sleepy . i was sleeping at the train. "What is-...Mother of pearl....Its so cool!" i shouted in train "SHuussh!!!!" HIssed Cloud "Sorry..."i said "Well okay now go to school i already packe your bag and here's the note''he said throwing me a bag Cloud....your more like a parent...an less .....like a Brother..... "Well of ya go!" he said kicking me forward "Yeah yeah....jeez.....what a Gramps..." i muttered uner my breathe..but it was loud he could hear it "What did you say?" he said smirk with face of mad man "Nothing BYe!"i said running torward the school where cloud gave the note XXX "...PAepo Fruit HighSchool????"I asked in my mind. i was on the front of the gate of a school..the gate..was...shape-fruit??"eh what the heck...."i said going to class...which i dunno how i got there IN CLASS X3 "Alright Students! this is our new classmate.Roxas Strife" Yelled the teacher,,he was...pink...and...flowered??? "Nice to meet ya"i said simply For a reason i dunno the class was quiet as ..death XXX "Hey Riku...Whaddaya think about the New kid?" whispers a brunette (roxas did not hear the whispers)".....he looks like he has a secret ill give ya that" whispers back a Silver haired boy "yeah.,..and he looks like me" "alright ROxas! sit between ..ah! the chesnut boy and the grampa hair boy!" Said the teacher TACK!! (di were hear something crack??uh oh...) "teacher,,,THIS IS GRAMPA HAIR ITS SILER YOU FLOWERMANIAC!!!!" Yelled angrily the sliver boy(Told ya ) "Then neve-" "No its too late!!!! he's already between us SIr!" said The brunette puling Roxas "Hi My names SOra Hikari and this is Riku Totsuyama!"Said the brunette "Hi nice to meet ya"i said smilling OH dAMN I JUST BLOW MY PERSONALITY!!!!!!!! "......Your really cool u have personalties than one!!!"Said Sora Yeah and your too naive .... AFTER CLASS ITS GONN GET CRAZY X3 "Oh yeah Roxas Sorry bout back in class " Said Sora "Nah its kay"I response "Grr...that flowermaniac is gonna pay" Riku demanded himself "Ahhaha-"We were walking through classes to get to gym..but then.. "ROXAS!!!!!" yelled someone from back That voice.....its....its!!!! "YOUR BACK !!!!!!!!!" "Ven Quit It ! i Cant breathe !!!!!!" yelled(lol Roxas Namine and Ven are cousins!!ven the second ater cloud Namine is the last!) "...Yeah sorry i just missed i havent seen ya for 2 years!!!" "whee's namine???"i asked "she's in artclass" :oh i see" "Ven-"Said a Black hair like sora and has yellow eyes "Holy pineplales!!!! two Vens?! no wait your his brother Roxas"Said HImself "Ye-yeh..." Damn im not used to be being crwoded ..better disappear! "look a Shotting Star !!!!"i yelled everyone look atthe window and i ran XXX "HEH!!???" yelled Sora Shocked"Where did he go??" asked Riku "...he wsa the fastest of the family..." said VEn "he had to go to milittarry since he was 4 years old....He had been on a WarZone by himself....He kille poeple..thousands..." "...." XX "Hah..hah.."Panted ROxas"I finally got away...if i been there to long....i couldve kille themm...."
  5. yeah sorry okay "Roxas were going to have to leave Twillight Town..."said His Older brother Cloud "...Why?i wanna be here... Pence, Ollete..."Said roxas holding tears "Sorry Roxas...can you please understand me?" "...alright ..." XXX "so Roxas...Your really leaving huh????"Asked Pence "Yeah...its decided..." Roxas Said "Hey dont forget bout us just cuz we were friends 2 months ago!"Yelled Hayner Happily "Hey Same Thing!" "okay I have to go now !"ROxas Said They all hugged,they all Said goodbyes "Bye Guys!!!!!!!"Yelled Roxas while running XXX "hey Cloud...im ready..." "...sure your minds made up???"Asked Cloud before getting tickets "Yup"ROxas said simply "OKay..."Said CLoud buying ticket ...Goodbye Hayner...Pence...Ollete... ....Goodbye..... .........Twillight Town....... XXX "has 'it'...awaken yet..."said someone with a cloak "no....its hasnt been awaken...apparently....Roxas doesnt..know..about ...'The Eye Of Darkness'"said a professor with a coat "soon he'll know...and...uses its power....and when he does...we will control him"Said the frist man again "Dont get your hopes up "Said a evil man will Dark long hair and yellow eyes "I..im sorry ...Chief Xehanort..." "I must warn you chief...you'll regret killing that boy......"Said The first man "....ill see about that...being the only one survived in the klan...of Raggs....And having the eye of arkness within him...I can control...because...im the one...that teach him everything...." Soo is it good??? ^w^"
  6. Yo Hello ! I started to meking a Fanfciton of Kingdom Hearts....so i hope u like it its bout Roxas 's new life....but is it really a new life???
  7. inm so not a normal girl......people have been telling me im tomboy.......

    1. KinataKeyblade


      Tehy even ask me i im a boy!!!!! TT^TT

  8. .....HOW DO I GET ULTIMA WEAPON!?!?! i have all weapons except Ultima Weapon!!!!!!!!Someone please help!

    1. Namikaze


      calm down darkrealm.

    2. AntonioKHT


      The recipe is in a chest near where Sora was sleeping in Twilight Town.

      Also, you probably have to check for the itens you need on a material list, where they inform you which monsters drop the rocks you'll need. just google it...

    3. KinataKeyblade


      dont call me dumb !

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. hey has anyone else noticed beside me?...Why did they make KH3D english when they can just make KH3 first then KH3D English????

  10. i really want To meet Roxas he nice but quiet but that why i like em! And Rape Aqua?! Damn hell if i meet you ur gonna pay! and its gonna be really bad...... *Killer Glare* ANd i am a girl!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Yo Friends i hope ya can chat with me tomorrow today at 7Pm See ya !

  12. i Have To Beat Sephiroth!!!! But i dont know how to meet him.....-_-"

    1. Col.Random
    2. Col.Random


      just finish all the hollow bastion missions the go to hollow bastion and you can meet him at the edge of that blue canyon thing right in front of Maleficent's old castle

    3. Aqua Keyblade

      Aqua Keyblade

      in the dark depts

  13. KinataKeyblade

    Roxas kingdom hearts 2

  14. IM DOOMED!!!!!!!!! Huaaaaa

  15. i can finally play Piano Kingdom HEarts 2 opening

  16. Wait...Nevermind...

  17. Friends im going to a new KH member and i wont use this anymore Thankyou

  18. My Friends are my Power and i'm their power too .Together nothing can stop us

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