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About sora's-love

  • Birthday 05/05/1992

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    sora-always rockin out!
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  1. no problem dude ha you were and like three other people were like the only civil people I met on this site so I'm bidding it farewell cause a lot of the posts I make just get me confused. And honestly i expected some of the other things I've posted in the past to get a more positive and reassuring feed back but I was significantly mistaken. I will not be coming back to this site agin to start any topics... But I will always be back to see the news this site provides.
  2. Once agin I go on make a topic and people take me the wrong way.. I don't let it bother me but when you got people, people who you are constantly with, putting down a game that they know nothing about there is no not getting angry. If a person really liked a shirt they were wearing but,every person who saw them said "what kind of stupid! Idiotic shirt are you wearing" eventually you stop shrugging it off and you get angry! That is the world of people I live in and I hoped coming to this blog people would agree with me but obviously every post I make does nothing but make people take the thing I'm saying and defend the opposite. Yes there are some people who agree but I'm done. And yea I know it's the Internet...
  3. ok well i understand what you are saying... its not that i dont understand the plot of kh3d i just wanted an EXACT varification that that was the reason why. do you understand? i knew already that that was why he looked younger but wasnt exactly sure by what i read. let me know if you understand because i am a kh super fan! lol you should see my collection of things hahaha but i just was mad because i never said that i didnt know the story line i just was making sure that that was why sora looked like that understand? i was also mad because i was never hostile to begin with. i also understand what you were saying about people, btw do you know how to delete the account for this website?
  4. have you ever met someone who just hated kh befor even playing it? well i have and to many haters at that! they think they know what they are talking about and they put kh down just because it had disney characters in it! well im sick of it, totally sick of it. have you ever had an experience something like this? well hope you dont cause it will get you really angry. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-mad.png hahaha but when you have the satifaction of proving to them that halo and black op's arent better you feel way better! hahaha. :mellow: like once i was showing a video of xion's ''death'' and then we scrolled down to the comments and a bunch of people were writing that it was really sad. then so dude comes in saying you think thats sad you should see this guys death in black op's. then he even said that kh was for ''asian's, girls, and loners''! this is just one of the many many times ive dealt with a hater.
  5. i understand what YOU are saying and that post wasnt for you but if you read through the comments i think some people are being a litte to seriuos with there comments dont you think. like you you answerd back in a civilized manner but when you have people saying ''how dare you call yourself a kh super-fan'' dont you think thats them being a lil to upest about this. i posted this to seek help because i didnt have that acsess to thse interviews at the time. and i accept people saying you late bro and if they said that i wouldnt mind i would agree but saying all that other stuff like have you been dead for the last 6 months is kind of well not right! and i totally understand what you are saying about the gamestop thing but ( and your not going to belive this but it happend ) i asked about if they had any info on pre-orders on kh3d and the guy said ''i never heard of anything like that''. now i was kind of beet red for the rest of the day, but you understand what i mean i come to this site in hopes that people will be able to help me with my question, and i have never not once started my topic on a hostile note, but people get themselves worked up. i hope you understand cause no one else seems to :mellow:
  6. OMG! thats like awesome! haha i wish my cousin was named roxas haha did you know that there was a question for like a magazine and it asked what character from a game would you name your kid after and the name sora came in like 7th and the question for the name was not a poll so that meant like thousands of people wrote ''sora'' haha cool right
  7. O MY GLOB!! WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO TAKE THIS SO SERIOUSLY?! yea for a while i havent been checking up on the interviews for kh. then i found this site and all thats why i asked this question, so i wouldnt have to take forever finding interviews when i got people here on this site willing to answer my question and explain more thoroughly than a translation of an interview with the creator.. :mellow: i think everone who play kh and loves it think and belives themselves to be a kh ''super-fan'' but just because i missed a couple of deatils of a game that didnt even come out yet people are getting all upset.
  8. dude does me posting this question really make you upset or something.. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png like i said in the beging of this topic i knew it was an answer i was suppose to know already.. no need to have problems dude.. :blink: ok? what didnt i read? i knew roxas didnt have a meaning in japanese. i just thought it would be creepy is it was a real name and it would just be ''sora'' with an ''x'' in it and the letters scrambled..
  9. wow i never knew that hahaha anything else spelt backwards? omg! wait i have a question ok right so sora was already a name for real in japanese but was roxas a real name or did they just make it up?
  10. o so master yen sid is the one who made them younger o ok.. hahaha did you know yen sid backwards is disney hehe
  11. ok now i know being a kh super fan i should know why he looks younger but i dont, so if anyone knows why sora appears younger in this game i would really be greatful http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  12. if this book dosnt come out in english im going to learn japanese LOL! ^_^
  13. yes kairi is not my favorite cause she is just kind of like i dont know she just kept getting into trouble and poor sora is worried sick over her and have to save her. i feel so bad for sora http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.pngfun fact: sora is a japanesse name that can be for a girl and a boy wierd right
  14. who did you say your favorite's were? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  15. lol! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png sorry, i was in a bad mood... i wasnt trying to be mean :unsure:
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