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Everything posted by Renlover202

  1. after i got the bbs i decided that i didn't want to get another kingdom hearts game because i figured they messed it up
  2. I don't have to like xion for the fact that she didn't do much for me. I think what square is trying to do is trying to make xion and roxas look like tifa and cloud. If xion appears on every single game than what happends to namine? she just disappers because she was a "witch?"
  3. wait a minute back wayyy up please i thought people were getting ready for kingdom hearts 3. Now they want to revamp kingdom hearts 1 through 358/2 days. Sorry having trouble understanding what is going on
  4. if xion is apart of sora's memories wouldn't she be somehow be apart of namine and kairi?
  5. you know it makes sense because xion is kairi from sora's memories and at the end of kh2 roxas and namine both returned to sora and kairi
  6. Exactly! Just because people like Xion and Roxas doesn't mean that we have to like it. Exactly! he should have just axel and roxas alone if anything add namine cause at least i tolerate that. I mean come on the only reason why people ship Roxas and Xion was because she fainted on Roxas. Maybe i am saying this all wrong. And i am sorry if i did People have just as much equal right to ship anyone they want to.
  7. I am going to say this really really nicely. I am saying this really nicely. Maybe if disney wasn't so prejudiced maybe we wouldn't be in this position now would we?
  8. You would think so but alot of other people would have a huge problem with it *rolls eyes* i would feel better if he was lol
  9. I think iam sort of understanding this. From what they are saying that Xion won't be able to come back right?
  10. if only because that is my main otp *.* Ohh speaking of the which. There was a rumour that Noruma had put in the japanese interview in the manga or something like that that axel and roxas had some sort of a fling. Don't know if it is true or not. Ohh speaking of the which. I would like to see if there is an interview about xion not returning to the game
  11. Even though my opinon doesn't matter i would have to say Namine. Because i think she is better than xion
  12. actually from reading the comments it sort of makes sense on what they are doing with xion. And the other way i dread what they are going to do in the next two games because they say one thing and then it goes the other way. I have noticed that alot. I had a friend that hated Tifa because she thought it would ruin her love for cloud and aeris. That is why i go nuts whenever i see someone talking about how xion is the most amazing character. It's like we are all having a war on something that doesn't make sense. I sort of have an idea on what they would do in kh3 but i dunno.... I loved akuroku for years because of a roleplay i did and i fell in love with it ever sense. It makes sense at the end of kh2 when namine and roxas smiled at each other. Okay let me back up. Sorry. lol Okay i heard things how xion is a replica of sora's memories that looks like Kairi right? so if xion is just a memory then..... i get what your saying. your saying roxas is sora and xion is kairi or something like that. So in a way namine is a part of this to urr somehow i think
  13. thank you *.* that makes a lot of sense to me that was what i was trying to say before lol that can be the same thing for roxas having a thing for axel I used to get mad whenever anyone would pair these two together but from reading the comments it is making me see something i don't know
  14. i reallly like it how people keep saying *gasp* We hope Xion will come back because she is the greatest character out there *hint of sarcasm involved*
  15. We all have different characters that we do and don't like. To me xion was pretty much of a big disappoinment. (That is just my opinon) It also seems like that we have to have paring wars on who belongs with who because all we get is rumour and spelection. And we say your wrong i am right. But whoes right or wrong? *shrugs* I know right? it makes me wonder what they are going to have her do in kingdom hearts 3?
  16. Who do you think is the most annoying character in the game? Coming from someone that didn't like tifa i would have to say that i don't like xion. I know horrible thing to like a character that everyone likes right? but for some reason i think it is annoying to me how she is one of the best when i like Aqua and Namine better. And the fact that i get the impression she is a little bit like Tifa
  17. if anyone can please send the interview to me because i am wanting to find out for myself.
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