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About kingdombladesventus

  • Birthday 02/02/1998

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  1. For me, I want the intro to be about peoples or the characters 'futures.' Like have them all think about what they want to do, then have the ending of the intro being a white light for ambiguity for the future or give a hint to the future from Sora's perspective. Like there's a person in the white light or show what his future is. I want the theme to be about the future, since from the game and interviews we have seen and yet to be seen and heard, yeah... I still question what the bittersweet ending is going to be about. But yeah, the way I interpreted the intros for KH1 and Two where like this: 1 was about...actually, I don't remember. Prophecy most likely. Kh2 was about Memories if anything. For Days and Birth by sleep, No clue. Hmm.. How about for Days it's 'connections' and for BBS it's about foretold prophecy? Or Learning to come in terms with 'acceptance.' Since they were all running away, but tried to change fate. I don't know.
  2. But that's the thing! They were in different time periods and there were exceptions! When visiting France-Quasimodo, that was a fictional time period where they believed in burning people using magic. It's not even modern day, where that's a bigger problem. Also that was a dream, so it wouldn't mattered, yet... Also there was Mulan, again, different time period to even matter. Also there's Toy Story, which they're in an illusion version of their world. Unless they fix it in the story line, which is yet to be seen. So yeah... Oh there's the Alantica universe/world, but different time period again to matter. But...the closest to consider being a matter is Rapunzel's world and Anna and Elsa, since they're just lands away. And they have magic. And because of that, it's possible in the kh universe, potential world travel. Actually now I think about it, Frozen and Tangled are in the same world and universe, why couldn't we just fly in the same universe to that land-oh wait, flying ship, never mind. Anyways, point is, a majority of the Earth's variations are set in time where it was mostly swords, guns. also not advance modern technology we have. If anything, Pirates of the Caribbean has the most significance of causing trouble if they revealed themselves from another world. But then again, no one questions the animals that are walking and talking. Oh well...
  3. If they did a Mary Poppin's world, the game is getting to the point where it becomes fan fiction or it's a cannon game mixed with fan fiction. I hope you all get what I mean. That and if so, they would have to make that world work somehow. Because, you can't have Donald and Goofy as actual anthropomorphic animals as bipeds. They would have to be an actual duck and dog. If we go to the realism of that world's universe, It's another variation of Earth. If Earthlings found out about other worlds, then Nomura has a dilemma on their hands, because if it's widespread on Earth, that means they'll figure out ways to travel out of the boundary lines and into the KH universe. The only way I can think of Donald and Goofy being bipeds, is that everyone assumes it's a realistic versions of themselves in suits. So yeah...with Earth, that's a lot of problems to think about.
  4. So...is everyone going to split up and do their own thing now? Or is it the Island trio that's going to split up and join their respect fates with other characters? I.e.: Sora goes with Roxas and Ventus. Riku with Terra and Axel. and Kairi with Xion, Namine and Aqua. So if he's hinting there's going to be separation with people, there's only a number of possibilities of who's going to leave who. I'm thinking it's the Twilight trio for reasons. But I think at the near ending, everyone's friendships are going to be put to the test. Win or fail, there might be separation. Win, there's bittersweet. Fail, everyone learns about someone and how they see other people. I don't know, but still, who ever is near the ending, we'll know what causes this future bittersweet moment. Or you know, someone dies selfishly. But I reread the interview again, and it's only just an example, or something. Meaning it might not be true of what ACTUALLY happens. Don't know till we watch the ending in Japanese. If anyone is going to watch live streams on day 1 and over. I really hope Everglow or someone just does the story line and not do any side quests, besides leveling up, that we get straight to the point of the ending from launch to day 2 or 3.
  5. I thought it was because of the demo feedback. But they made a smart choice for marketing. Smash and Pokemon out this year. Those games can claim the 2018 gaming title, but let's hope kh3 claims next year's title.
  6. BRUH! How the in the heck did "Aqua fall to darkness?!" She had that internal monologue in 0.2 how fighting in the dark! And where's Ansem?! She was literally with him, waiting! Did something attack them at the beach and Aqua got controlled by the Realm of Darkness?! Also I agree with you guys on the Multiplayer stuff. I want it.
  7. With Repliku, some Youtuber said there's the symbolism, which tells me he isn't there, thus Riku's internal struggle. But he could end up being there, physically or mentally-maybe metaphysically. Roxas makes sense, but Xion is a separate matter I think. Oh wait, never mind. Just remembered the ending of Days. She's basically inside of him in memories and is the only one who held out the longest, I think. Namine, however is that SPECIAL exception where she could remember anyone, regardless of the chain of memories mechanic. Sora can can bring her back, because he's the SPECIAL exception where he said to Namine that regardless of if he had false memories, the memories will also be there. In this case, Roxas transfers the memories in DDD and thus goes into Sora's heart, extracts it somehow, and poof, screw the chain of memories mechanic, because as long someone has the promise or memories in there heart, well, Sora saying it all does it. Enough said. My original thing before I said all of that was, Xion was made in Castle Oblivion, thus Sora would have to go back there or something, because that's where she was from and the whole data thing with Roxas was about only about him and not Xion. But I remembered about the end of Days and yeah, it COULD happen. Another point, how is everyone going to come up with a plan to get Namine out of Kairi? Like, she's the other person that has the right to be their own person. Also a key plot character. If anything, with her powers, the power of memory manipulation, she basically can read into peoples hearts and see what happened to peoples pasts. Meaning, we can figure out why Ventus is young, and why Xehanort is doing all the evil he's doing. Actually, she can be great use of finding the black box! *GASPS* OH my GOD! But then again...depends when Namine is going to be at thing. Because someone could of ended finding that thing anyways before she's released. So sorry for all of this. You got me thinking. Still thanks anyway.~
  8. Hello there. Welcome to the community~ I guess. Still, welcome.
  9. Really?! I didn't-ohhh! Japanese Trailer! I didn't know there was one out yet. Thanks. Going to see it now!~ Thanks~
  10. I'll be watching the streams of kh3 on the 24 of January if I can. I need to know what happens and know the ending that going to make use no believe that just happened. I was thinking gameplay-wise, but in a realistic fight, yeah....he has tricks up his sleeve-pun maybe intended. Good point, because in a realistic fight...yeah, I don't see how he didn't just capture Sora, unless it was he was testing his strength and got cocky in the end or there were no orders to capture him objectively. Going with the first idea. That or his powers are limited of what he can do. Or showed what he's capable of, but didn't use his full strength at all.
  11. Sorry about that~ Um...my thing was that Luxord and Larxene are in Marluxia's group. Because DDD with the whole who would make it or not into the true organization. And I saw your gif of Larxene and realized she now has yellow eyes; along with Luxord. Thus they probably in the true organization's group. So, to me, that also means we could see brand new characters in Marluxia's group. Maybe. All I know is, there's 2 organizations and people are now norted. So how is Marluxia going to recruit people is the question. Also, I think Xigbar is no longer himself due to the second trailer. Because Larxene is herself, but in the second trailer, he doesn't sound like himself in the third one. Thus, full body possession maybe? That or he's talking in a dark tone. Don't know till the game comes out in English. Still, Ienzo is still my fave~
  12. Yeah... I don't believe that. There's two organizations. Marluxia's organization 13 he wanted and the true organization. Remember in DDD, that he weak and traitors couldn't make the cut? Yeah, to me, Marly and Larxene are traitors, and Luxord to me is weak. Because no way they let Demyx in the true orginization. Oh wait....Larxene's eyes are yellow in the trailer. And she had green eyes... OOOOOH! that takes something away from-oh right! Luxord had blue eyes before. Oh damn! my entire theory is debunked! Just what is Marluxia's organization then?!
  13. That just means the concept has been added on. Thus, there's currently 14 Princesses of Heart. But if you think about it, Potentially there's more. Just not added to the kh story line.
  14. Bruh, this means there can be more then 7 princess of pure hearts now. .Imagine the fan fiction! Technically Marluxia's Organization is looking for more than the original 7 hearts of light. SO thus, Nomura added on the concept of the Princesses of Heart now. Bruh...!
  15. As long Sora and the other's get one in their own designer choice, we good! Because it looks like a phone-card, card-phone. Just imagine everyone-if all the worlds are reunited, that everyone can get those communicators. Especially if it works in the Realm of Darkness.
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