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Everything posted by supersaiyanmikito

  1. I tried to look for changes and the only one I found was Xigbar but its pretty random. His hair has some grey strips across the top but again, that just be age...
  2. Hang on, you bring up Saix's scars... X shaped scars... Tear shaped marks... Isa betrayed Lea and now Lea must fight his childhood friend... I sense a connection here!
  3. From the way the game worded it, it wasn't that Sora failed, Riku was just better. Think of it like this. The teacher has 2 students. The teacher set was seemed like a difficult goal to achieve. Both students accomplished it but one went way past the goal. Now the teacher is stuck with an A student and an A++ student. This is also combined with the fact that Riku thought he would fail. Yen Sid must have decided that while Sora grew a bit, Riku made a much more drastic jump. Sora still has time to improve. Plus, don't forget that Sora "isn't" actually the one chosen by the keyblade, Riku was. However at the time, Riku had fallen to darkness and Sora was the next thing it chose. Eventually Sora just proved that his friendship alone makes him stronger. The way I see it, they may have a short time gap between now and KH3(Couple months maybe?). After that, Riku will be the master with a mission while Sora may turn up out of nowhere x100 more powerful. After all, Sora did leave alone at the end...
  4. This is something that had picked at me for a while. Near the beginning of DDD, Lea wakes up and discovers that him and the others are somebodies now. He gets this by looking into the glass and seeing that the marks under his eyes are gone. Now does anyone else have unusual marks that the point them to being nobodies? Namine, Roxas and Xemnas hold a completely different appearance then their somebody counterparts. Everyone else looks exactly like their somebodies but Axel is the only one I've noticed to have a mark or anything. Do the others have something and I just missed it?
  5. Woh, while I was getting the other Dream Eaters I didn't get a card of, something happened. R & R Seal appeared again. Now I have 2 of him! Now I can get a second Shadowbreaker and Balloonga!
  6. Does Seal have anything else good? Most of his grid is hidden. I see a Megalixir but that's probably just a single item.
  7. Is it just me, or does "R&R Seal" break the game? I only just started La Cite des Cloches and I already have Shadowbreaker and Balloonga. Not to mention the first link is Second Chance. Speaking of Second Chance, anyone else having trouble with this ability? I keep getting killed with more then 1HP. I know I don't have Once More yet but I swear Second Chance isn't working. I've even been one-hit killed at some point during a Link Mission.
  8. If this is a competition, I'd like to try for KH2. Does Final Mix work? My US copy is beyond unplayable at this point.
  9. Deep Jungle has caused an issue regarding the creation of an HD Collection. People have said that there can't be an HD Collection, or if there is, KH1 won't be in it solely because of Deep Jungle but I'm not so sure. Believe it or not, Konami actually can't use the Metal Gear Solid theme song anymore because the song is owned by a Russian Composer who made a song insanely similar to it in the 70s. Because of this, they couldn't put the theme in MGS4 and Brawl despite them originally being planned. This brought up some concerns with the MGS HD Collection. People thought the song would be removed since it was in both MGS2 and MGS3. However, they were able to keep it in completely intact. What I am saying is, if Square plans to make an HD Collection, KH1 should still be doable right? If Konami was able to use the theme in the re-release of the MGS games, Square should be able to re-release KH1 with DJ intact? Just a thought...
  10. Just a thought... If there is an HD Collection and it has Birth by Sleep on it, do you think they could add in the capes that were removed from the original game? They were taken out because the PSP lagged like crazy. I'm pretty sure a PS3 could handle some simple capes...
  11. I'm going to break down all the Final Mix games for you. KHFM - Not much is changed. This was mostly made because the US version had a ton of new content the Japanese version didn't so a lot of new content is already in the US game. A few of the new additions are actually gotten through the US only content that was originally pointless. Sephiroth now gives you the One-Winged Angel Keyblade, Kurt Zisa gives you Zantetsuken, ect. They also added a ton of new attacks, many of which first appeared in Chain of Memories like Slide Dash and Stun Impact. They also added Gummi Missions akin to KH2. They added a new unknown boss, now known to be Xemnas. But the most useful change is in the cutscenes. If you die to a boss and have to fight him again, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SKIP THE SCENE! This was a total nightmare in the original game, especially for long winded scenes like before the 2nd RIku fight. KH2FM - US KH2 and JP KH2 aren't that different as far as know so everything here is new. This is the best Final Mix HANDS DOWN! Several new bosses including every org XIII member. Amazing new attacks. New Limit Form(Which is really overpowered). A new Critical Mode difficultly since the original was so easy.Trust me when I say this, Critical Mode feels like a completely different game since everything kills you in about 2 or 3 hits. Honestly, its pretty hard to find any gameplay flaws with the game. If you thought KH2 was too easy, get this and play Critical. Heck, try Critical Mode with No Exp. Its one of the greatest experiences you will ever find in a KH game since BBS's Level 1 is garbage. There are also 13 new mushrooms scattered throughout the game that let you play minigames and get weapons and items. BBSFM - Much like KHFM, this game was mostly released because the US game had more content then the Japanese. Though the game does have a few new bosses and some new combat minigames. There is also a second Final Episode called the "Secret Episode" with a new final boss. There isn't a whole lot new here if you played the US game but there one thing worth bringing up. Mysterious Figure got a major downgrade in Final Mix. Aside from having a less aggressive AI, his really unfair attacks were nerfed. Collision Magnet and Unison Rush could kill you even with Second Chance and Once More. You can now Air Slide out of Collision Magnet and Unison Rush doesn't break combo mid-attack(As far as I have seen) Overall, I'd say KH2FM > KHFM > BBSFM. Note that I am rating these by how much was improved from the original. BBS was already almost perfect so there wasn't much they could do. KHFM had some nice improvements that it really needed, ESPECIALLY the cutscene skip option. You do still have to watch the scene AT LEAST ONCE. KH2FM has the most improvements and the best. The insane difficultly spike from the US KH2 is probably one of the best reasons to get it. Hope this helps...
  12. WAIT! I found a video of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHkDSEKiHJU This person used an ability mod like I did. You can't simply add another ability but you can replace an existing ability with something. The code has a slight issue though. It a glitch with all ability mods in KH2. When you activate the code and start up the game, the ability won't work. No matter how hard you try to activate it, it just keeps turning off. You first have to save and then reload without codes.
  13. Its not fake or anything. Zero EXP is buried deep in the game's coding and is impossible to get without a cheat device. I'm just curious as to why nobody has tried KH2 at Level 1. I saw the code, put it in and bam! Zero EXP is unlocked and fully functional. Though it isn't level 1 exactly because World Partners will level up before you can even use abilities. In the US game, they only needed 6 EXP as opposed to 26 in Final Mix. Once I get my PS2 in a few days, I can show proof. The code seems to have disappeared off the face of planet but I should still have it.
  14. This is something that has bugged me for a while. I discovered quite a while back before KH2FM was released that "Zero EXP" is in fact in the original Kingdom Hearts 2. Though it is physically impossible to get and is only obtainable through codes. Does anyone else know about this and has anyone tried Level 1 Proud? I seem to be the only one who knows about this because having Zero EXP in the US game isn't listed anywhere other then a fake rumor.
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